Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sitting Pretty

Kate continues to amaze us with the things she is learning and mastering so quickly. We began trying to hold her up in a sitting position a couple of weeks ago and just recently she has really gotten the hang of it. Of course, like all things she learns, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Now we sit her up for a few minutes of her bath and she has discovered how fun it is to splash

She is now shopping with Momma like a big girl...sitting up in the shopping cart. Here she is with me in Target

We also hung her swing outside. It's hard to tell from the serious look on her face here, but she loves it!

Showing off her skills in her crib. Kate says, "Look! No hands!"

And here's a few other random recent events...

Eating and laughing - she just started chuckling one afternoon while I was feeding her oatmeal. You may have to turn up your volume a little to hear her.

We are also working on some teeth (none yet). One night while Nick was feeding her she snatched the spoon out of his hand because she thought she could handle it herself and she liked the way the spoon felt on her gums

Kate also has a hard time slowing down long enough to sleep these days. She's still a great sleeper at night for the most part. Every once in a while, she'll wake up ready to play about an hour after we put her down. This is one night when Nick and I were about to eat dinner after Kate went to bed. She thought she wanted to play so we just let her hang out for a few minutes.

Kate and Daddy on the back porch

Friday, April 9, 2010

Walking Around the Capitol

Ever since the weather has begun turning nice, Nick has been begging Kate and I to come meet him at his office downtown to walk around the Capitol. I think we ended up with the perfect day to be able to actually go meet him. We went on Monday after work and the weather was perfect and the scenery was absolutely beautiful. The azaleas are in full bloom and we had a great walk and snapped some great pics.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Happy belated Easter to all! We hope that all of our friends and family had a wonderful holiday. Ours was great! We were still in Port Barre with Pop Pop. We went to church Easter morning, took some pictures in Pop Pop's yard, ate a great meal and just relaxed for the day.

Our little bunny

The Easter Bunny found Kate at Pop Pop's house and knew just what to bring her...baby food (since we've just made it to the world of solid foods...a long way from candy), bath toys and a stuffed bunny.

Kate was very cooperative for her photo shoot, especially considering she was way overdue for a nap by this point

The family

With Daddy

With Momma

With Pop Pop

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy (and Kate)

Friday April 2 was Nick's 28th birthday. It was also Kate's 5 month birthday. We don't have any updated stats on Kate, other than a weight of almost 19 lbs, since she didn't have a doctor's appointment this month. We had a great time celebrating the birthdays! We spent the morning in Baton Rouge and then traveled to Port Barre to dye Easter eggs with Kate's aunts, uncles and cousins, have a good ole Good Friday Fish Fry at Pop Pop's and celebrate Daddy's birthday. We all had such a great time visiting with family!

Playing in the back yard at home with Daddy

Kate with her Parrain, Marcus

And with her Nanny, Lori

All the boys--Derrick, Marcus, Nick, Kevin and Stewart (and Anne Marie)

Pop Pop, all his boys and grandchildren--Derrick and his baby, Miller (Lite that is), Stewart and Anne Marie, Nick and Kate, Pop Pop and Amelia, Kevin, Karoline and Braxton, Marcus, Pierce and Caleb

The 3 most recent girls with their Daddys--Stewart and Anne Marie (turns 1 this month), Nick and Kate (5 mos) and Kevin and Karoline (1 year). We know these girls will be great friends!

Mama Speyrer, Kate and Pop Pop

Abbie and her Godchild, Karoline

Nick and Kate enjoying the great day!

Kate and Pop Pop

Nonna was still in town and got to join in on the festivities. Here's Kate and Nonna checking out the sheep on Pop Pop's farm

Party Animal

Spoiled by Nonna

Nonna (Abbie's mom) flew into Baton Rouge Saturday March 27th and stayed through April 3rd. She was here to spend some quality time with Kate. We told the babysitters to take the week off and Nonna took care of Kate while Mommy and Daddy worked. This week, now that Nonna's gone, the regular babysitters have some very high expectations to live up to. We have not seen Kate any happier than she was last week when Nonna was here! Her cheeks had to hurt at the end of every day from smiling all day long. Nonna spent a lot of time playing with Kate and, thanks to some gorgeous weather, Kate and Nonna spent a lot of time outside. Nonna took Kate for a walk every day and also spent time just exploring outside. We are so very thankful to Nonna for coming to stay for the week! It was such a special week for Kate...and for Mommy and Daddy too! We enjoyed spending time with her just as much as Kate did! We can't wait to see Nonna (and Papa) again very soon when Kate and Momma travel to Florence at the end of April.