Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Emily 7 Months Old and Crawling!!!

Miss Emily was 7 months old on the 11th and she really started crawling that day! For about a month prior to that point she had been bouncing on all fours trying to figure out how to get going and then for a week or so she was taking 1 "step" (with her hands) and falling but on that Sunday that she turned 7 months it just clicked and she took off! Now that we are more than a week into it, she's still moving a little slow (which is good for Momma and Daddy) but she is getting where she wants to go and starting to get into everything! She can get herself up into a sitting position and most recently, she has also pulled herself up to a standing position in her bed a couple of times this week. What happened to my baby?!?! She's getting so big! I weighed her at 7 months and she's weighing in at a very healthy 19.8 lbs. Emily is such a happy girl! She just goes with the flow and is so laid back. She really only fusses when she has a really good reason to. Emily is eating 3 meals/day from a spoon and is liking her solid foods more and more every day. She really LOVES snacks…puffs, little freeze dried yogurt bites and other baby snacks. She also loves to play and just be outside. If she ever thinks that we are on our way outside, like if I am walking in the direction of a door, and I turn to go somewhere else in the house she will start crying like I have just broken her heart. Emily's favorite time of day is bath time with big sister Kate. As soon as I turn the water on she starts bouncing and waving her hands and as soon as I take her clothes and her diaper off she takes off crawling wherever she can. Once in the bath she splashes and "talks" to Kate, which mostly consists of the 2 of them yelling "AAAAHHHHH!" back and forth at each other. Emily has settled into a good sleep routine and is sleeping great at night now and loves to be put in her bed when she's the least bit tired. No teeth yet but I feel like it should be any day now since we have been seeing pretty serious teething symptoms for a while now. Another development over the past week is that she will now wave bye-bye and thinks that it is hilarious to do so. Pretty cute! We are just unbelievably in love with our baby girl and are excited each day to see how she's growing and learning so much!

Such a happy girl!

Playing in the floor with Momma and Kate. Do you think she's teething??? Poor baby's drooling everywhere

Playing with her friend Peyton