Friday, January 29, 2010

And so it begins...

We know that all babies go through a stage where they want to put everything they can get their hands on in their mouths. Up to this point, Kate has only been able to figure out how to get her own hands into her mouth...usually her entire fist is what she goes for not just one or two fingers. This week she fell in love with a pink elephant blanket and decided to try to eat it. It works well because she is not so good at grasping something and trying to put it in her mouth. However, she's able to shovel the elephant in there with her arms and hands. We know that it's only the beginning of trying to put anything and everything into her mouth, but we've gotten a big kick out of watching her ferociously attack and thought we would share. We hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Dat?

So the big news in our house this week has been the Saints big victory on Sunday. We are all so excited that they will be playing in the Super Bowl! Daddy keeps trying to devise ways to get to Miami for the game.

Our other big news this week is that Momma has gone back to work. Luckily with her current work situation she is able to work from a home office most of the time and we have been blessed to find a few great babysitters to watch Kate at our house so Mom and Kate have an easier adjustment to life back at work. Kate's sitters are taking very good care of her.

We hope that all of you have been having a great week!

Ready for the big game on Sunday

Doing airplane with Daddy one night after bath. We were getting so tickled because we thought Kate had the form of a Cirque du Soleil performer. She stayed straight as a board with a serious face the whole time and cried when he took her down.

And as a follow up to last week's post, Kate received a gift from her Nonna and Papa this week...a "My First Championship" onesie commemorating the Crimson Tide National Championship. Needless to say Daddy was not too pleased. He was quick to tell Papa that he believes that life begins at conception so her first National Championship was actually the LSU Baseball Championship. Although we agree that her life began at conception, Momma and Papa believe that this is the first one in the real world so it counts more!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What We're Up To These Days...

Our apologies that we have been slacking on the blog posts. We've been busy playing with our little girl. Kate is growing and changing like crazy. It seems like she discovers something new every day. One day last week she finally figured out how to work her hands a little better and now has more control reaching and grabbing for things. Then over the weekend she discovered her feet. We're sharing some recent pictures and video of her milestones. Hope you enjoy.

Kate loves to be talked to and loves to "talk" back to us

One of her current favorite activities is playing with the snail, turtle and frog that hang down from her bouncy seat. Now that she has figured out more how her hands work she hits them and grabs at them sometimes even pulling them down

She loves to stand

Discovering how fascinating her toes can be

She's a pro at rolling onto her side and this is actually the only way she will sleep at night. She hasn't quite figured out how to roll onto her tummy but we're sure it won't be too long.

Showing off her big belly before taking a bath

And in recent sporting events, Kate cheered on the Crimson Tide to their National Championship victory and her Saints in the first round of the playoffs.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2 Months Old!!

Kate was 2 months old on January 2. Time is really flying by! We went to the doctor for Kate's 2 month check up on Monday and Kate is growing like a weed. She now weighs 11 pounds, 9.5 ounces, which puts her in the 75th percentile. Her length is 24 1/4 inches, which is off of the growth charts. The doctor has made a couple of comments like "She's just all limbs" and "I just think she'll always be tall and skinny". She's starting to really plump up so I'm not sure about the skinny part right now but she sure is long and long all over...long fingers, toes, arms, legs. She is also really interacting with us and wants us to talk to her constantly. We are still having a blast and feel blessed to have such a wonderful baby girl! Below are some recent pics.

Her changing table is probably her favorite place in the whole house. We get some of the best smiles there. Here's a couple of recent pics on her changing table.

Meeting more friends...

The Laperouses stopped by the Sunday after Christmas after we all met at church. Both little girls were very well behaved in church. The daddies were too. Kate had met Julie one time before but this was her first time meeting Paul and Annie Grace. We know Kate and Annie Grace will be great friends.

Sonja stopped by on Sunday night with the Downses.

We had a few of Nick's friends from Leadership LSU over for dinner. Below is Arsham Sheybani, Allen Richey and Jason Wesley. Scott Levy was also there but had already left before the picture took place. Kate had a great time meeting everyone.

Elizabeth and Arsham Sheybani

New Year's Day we went over to the Levys to visit for a little while. Doug, Lauren and Ainsley Stinson were staying with the Levys. Kate enjoyed meeting all of the Stinsons, especially sweet Ainsley. Here's a picture of all 3 girls together.

Kate and Daddy watching the LSU bowl game. Daddy was too wound up about the game to sit down. Kate looks a little more happy about things than her Daddy.