Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What We're Up To These Days...

Our apologies that we have been slacking on the blog posts. We've been busy playing with our little girl. Kate is growing and changing like crazy. It seems like she discovers something new every day. One day last week she finally figured out how to work her hands a little better and now has more control reaching and grabbing for things. Then over the weekend she discovered her feet. We're sharing some recent pictures and video of her milestones. Hope you enjoy.

Kate loves to be talked to and loves to "talk" back to us

One of her current favorite activities is playing with the snail, turtle and frog that hang down from her bouncy seat. Now that she has figured out more how her hands work she hits them and grabs at them sometimes even pulling them down

She loves to stand

Discovering how fascinating her toes can be

She's a pro at rolling onto her side and this is actually the only way she will sleep at night. She hasn't quite figured out how to roll onto her tummy but we're sure it won't be too long.

Showing off her big belly before taking a bath

And in recent sporting events, Kate cheered on the Crimson Tide to their National Championship victory and her Saints in the first round of the playoffs.

1 comment:

  1. She looks so different/more grown up than the last time we saw her.. 3 weeks ago?

    So sweet!
