Friday, February 26, 2010

Feet...Who Knew How Wonderful They Are

I just wanted to give an update of what Miss Kate is up to these days. She is quite the Chatty Kathy these days talking to anything and everything that she can. Our newest big discovery has been her feet. She had kind of noticed them before when we would sit her up so that she could see them but just within the past week or so she has marveled at how wonderful they are when she holds them up while laying down. She started out staring at them, waving her arms and sometimes catching onto a toe. Now as soon as we lay her down to change a diaper or change her clothes or pretty much to do anything she pops her feet up and grabs on to her toes. We think it is hilarious. I have tried at least 10 times to catch a good toe grabbing session on video but as soon as the camera comes out she just stares at the camera and forgets about her toes. Here's the best that I have been able to capture...

Kate is really enjoying her story time every day. Several weeks ago we added this to our night time routine. After bath and before her last feeding we sit down and read 1 or 2 (depending on the attention span at the moment) stories. Kate absolutely loves it. We have been amazed how how intently she stares at the books and even figured out what we think some of her favorite things are based on her books. For example, she gets excited and hits the pages of her books that have a lot of pink on them.

We are constantly adapting how we do things based on our little princess and what keeps her happy. We were a big fan of using a sling to get things done early on but she's too big...hard on Momma's back...and too interested in what's going on to use that anymore. So we've been using our Baby Bjorn a little more lately so that she gets to see what's going on. She loves it. This was one of my favorites--cutting up fish for our first Lenten fish fry with Daddy...

She has also had a great time playing with Adi Levy. We have a lot of fun watching the girls interact with each other. Here are some recent pics from our latest play dates with Adi. Thanks to Candace for some of the pics!!

1 comment:

  1. She is so precious Abbie and Nick. I can't wait to meet her and the girls are excited too. Miss you guys!
