Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just for Fun

We hope that everyone has had a great weekend. Ours has been pretty good. We just thought we would share a few random pictures from the past week.

This was one morning right after we got Kate out of bed. We are lucky enough to wake up to this each morning...

Kate and I were on our way out the door and I laid her on our bed so that I could put my shoes on and it struck me as a rather photogenic moment so I snapped a few pics. Needless to say, we were late wherever we were going.

We have been loving the warm weather. This was after a walk around the neighborhood one afternoon. We hope the warm weather hurries back soon!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Take me out to the ballgame...

We have been having some absolutely gorgeous weather down here lately. This past weekend was no exception and we were able to take full advantage of it by taking Kate to her first LSU baseball game. It was a little breezy but sunny and very comfortable. Kate loved it!! She even got comfortable enough at one point to settle in for a 40 minute nap. We couldn't believe that she slept so well in the middle of so much noise. We made it through 8 innings before we had to head out for a feeding. It was a great first experience and we are looking forward to more games with our little fan!

Watching with Daddy--Daddy watching the game and Kate watching the guy in front of us.

We are aware that the hat looks pretty goofy but it was a necessity in the sun with our bald headed gal and this was the best we could do on short notice. She'll grow into it in a couple of years.


The family

With Momma

Thursday, March 4, 2010

4 Months Old and It Comes With Toys...

Kate was 4 months old on Tuesday 3/2. We went to the doctor today for her 4 month check up and she's still growing like crazy. She's 16 lbs and 27 3/4 inches long. She is 95th percentile for weight and keeps getting farther and farther off the growth charts on her length. The doctor said that she's the length of an average 9 month old right now. Here are some recent photos of our cutie.

We are having more fun with her than ever. Kate is a super happy baby and so much fun to play with. This week we got some of her toys down from the attic that required her being able to hold herself up better and she's been having a blast playing with her new things.

She hasn't quite figured out the jumping aspect of her door jumper but enjoys hanging out and feeling like she's right in the middle of things (it hangs between our kitchen and living room)

The frog was the early favorite on her exersaucer, but she also really likes the piano.

I'm not sure that the Baby Einstein people intended for the piano to be played this way, but our little Baby Einstein figured out how to make it work when she doesn't know how to push buttons with her hands yet...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ready to be a Frequent Flyer

Kate took her first ride on an airplane last weekend...actually it was 4 rides counting our connections each way. We flew into Huntsville, AL on Friday afternoon. Huntsville is just 1 hour from Florence where Nonna and Papa live. Kate could not have been any better on the plane. Each trip she napped a little, ate a little and just hung out a little. All of the passengers who sat around us and the flight attendants on each flight commented on how great she did. She also LOVED being in the airports. She tried to talk to everyone that she saw. We are glad to know what a great traveler she is so that maybe she and Momma can manage some solo trips to Florence this way.

While in Florence we had a great time visiting with Nonna, Papa, Granny and all of Kate's aunts, uncle and cousins. We had 2 birthdays to celebrate--Kate's Aunt Anna and cousin Liza. Both parties were a lot of fun and Kate enjoyed seeing all of her Alabama family.

With Daddy on the plane

Daniel and Liza were crazy about Kate at Christmas when we were in Florence and couldn't wait to get their hands on her this time too. Here's Daniel and Kate...

...and Liza with Kate

Kate with Granny and Mary Emma

We were excited that the Jung's made it in on Sunday for Liza's birthday party. Here's Kate with Camden.

All 8 cousins at Liza's birthday party

The weather was awesome on Sunday. Here's Kate enjoying it with Daddy on the porch.

The birthday girl even took some time out of her busy schedule to hold Kate during her party.

Kate loved getting to spend some good time with Nonna...

...and Papa and we can't wait to see them again soon!