Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Take me out to the ballgame...

We have been having some absolutely gorgeous weather down here lately. This past weekend was no exception and we were able to take full advantage of it by taking Kate to her first LSU baseball game. It was a little breezy but sunny and very comfortable. Kate loved it!! She even got comfortable enough at one point to settle in for a 40 minute nap. We couldn't believe that she slept so well in the middle of so much noise. We made it through 8 innings before we had to head out for a feeding. It was a great first experience and we are looking forward to more games with our little fan!

Watching with Daddy--Daddy watching the game and Kate watching the guy in front of us.

We are aware that the hat looks pretty goofy but it was a necessity in the sun with our bald headed gal and this was the best we could do on short notice. She'll grow into it in a couple of years.


The family

With Momma

1 comment:

  1. you guys look great! Surprised abbie didn't dress Kate in crimson and white, but at least she didn't allow the purple and gold! ha
