Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Half Birthday!!

Kate was 6 months old on Sunday May 2. We cannot believe our little girl is already half way to her first birthday! We went to her 6 month check up today and she is 19 lbs, 13 oz and 29 inches long, which continues to be off the growth charts. Kate is getting so big and learning so quickly. She has now mastered sitting and prefers to be sitting up unless she needs to get somewhere and then she'll lay down so that she can roll to her destination. We are also starting to see the early signs of making her way towards crawling. We know it won't be long before she figures that out too!! Kate still does not have any teeth but continues to "work" on them. She constantly has anything and everything in her mouth and on her gums. Here are some recent pics of our growing girl...

She's got a future so bright she's gotta wear shades

Couldn't resist posting one with her tongue sticking out. Looks like her Daddy.

Kate and Momma also recently made another trip to Florence to stay with Nonna and Papa. As always we had a fantastic time visiting with family! Kate and I flew solo this time and had a great trip there and a bumpy one back. Kate was just worn out from so much fun with her cousins, aunts and grandparents so her patience for all of the plane and airport hoopla was pretty short. But we survived and were so glad that we got to spend some quality time with the Alabama relatives!

Nonna gave Kate a carrot to chew on to try to help her sore gums.

Kate was so happy to see her Granny

The boys continue to be so taken with Kate. Here's Daniel and Connor holding Kate and Nonna was helping to entertain.

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