Monday, June 21, 2010

Beach Baby

We just got back from our first family vacation Saturday and we had a wonderful time in Ft. Morgan, AL with the Johnson clan. All of my family was there and Kate had a blast playing with all 8 of the kids the whole week. We were all worried about the oil of course as we made our way to the beach but were pleasantly surprised with how things turned out. We did see oil but there was no smell and it wasn't just rolling in as we may have feared. There were clear spots and Kate's cousins were able to play in the surf a little here and there where we were able to find a clean patch of beach with no oil or tarballs. We spent a lot more time at the pool than we usually do but it was great to splash around there too.

I think Kate is ready to move to the beach. She was absolutely perfect all week! She was very sweet playing with her cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles. As Nick would say, "She slept like a champ!". We put her pack and play in the closet in our room and contemplated giving her the same set up when we got back home because she slept more and better than she ever has in her short little life. Kate had her first dip in a big pool and she loved it! She was very relaxed and enjoyed floating and splashing around. It was also Kate's first experience with sand and she was a big fan of that too! Overall, we couldn't have asked for a better week spent with great family! Of course we snapped plenty of pictures to share. Here are some of the favorites from the week...

We took the ferry from Dauphin Island to Ft Morgan. Here's Kate with Daddy on the ferry.

And one hanging out the window with Momma on the ferry.

Kate and all her cousins our first morning waking up at the beach. They were all so sweet playing with Kate all week!

Kate ready for her first swim in a big pool.

Floating with Daddy.

Kate and her "match", Harper. All of the kids on this side of the family have their own cousin "match" that is within a year of their age. We're so glad April and Alan had their 4th so that Kate could have a "match" too.

Kate's first time putting her toes in the sand and surf with Nonna.

Kate's first chance to really get into the sand. She loved it!

Daddy very sweetly filled a baby pool with clean water from the beach house for Kate and she would have rather been back in the sand.

Another trip to the pool.

The family at the pool.

Of course we had family photo night at the beach and, thanks to Nonna's help snapping the pics and the aunts help making her smile we got some great pictures!

She was so proud of herself standing at this little fence but she spent most of the time trying to gnaw on the wood. These were probably the only 2 shots where her mouth wasn't wide open going in for a big bite of fence.


  1. looks like a fun time! love Kate's pink polo dress and the last photo of her tootsies in the sand. :)

  2. these are all so great Abbie! :) she's such a cutie pie!!

  3. Looks like y'all had a great time! She's so adorable!!!

  4. I can't believe how grown up she looks! Cute pics!
