Thursday, September 9, 2010

10 Months Old

Kate was 10 months old on September 2...I know, I know I'm a whole week late...we've been busy around the Speyrer house. Two weekends ago Kate and I flew to Florence for the weekend and then turned around and went to Lay Lake just south of Birmingham last weekend for the Labor Day holiday. Both trips were great but just left me with little time to blog. I hope to catch up some this week.

Kate is just over 24 1/2 lbs, getting into everything and is just so much fun! Kate is standing and cruising like a champ. We know that she can stand on her own, and if she's really busy sometimes she will forget to hold on and will stand on her own, but if we try to get her to do it she just simply will not do it. We joke that she's a scaredy cat. She immediately squats down. So she's taking her time in the standing and walking department for now. However, I do think that when she makes up her mind that she'll give standing on her own a try, I don't think it will be long at all before she's walking. Kate's starting to get into everything. She has opening drawers down pat, but luckily since she's not standing much she's not getting into our cabinets...yet! She's still a dancing machine and we love it! She does not discriminate in music choice...if it's got a tune she will shake her booty to it! Kate is also jabbering more and more. We can tell she has a LOT to say but is still sticking to the basics. She says Dada the most...of course Nick loves that...but she also gives other sounds/words a try. One that she does the best is "app-uh" (apple). She doesn't quite know what it means yet but is great at repeating it. Kate is also understanding more and more of what we are saying to her. She's been waving bye for a while now, claps her hands for "Yay!" and to patty cake, and knows what we mean when we say "No". The things she hears it about the most she will now look at us as she approaches the object and will shake her head and wave her hands telling us that she knows she's not supposed to touch it before we ever say a word. She understands when I tell her it's time to eat or change her diaper and many other things. One of the latest is that she will pat her tummy if we ask her where her belly is. Very cute! We are having so much fun and look forward to each and every day that we spend with our little girl! We are very blessed parents! Here are some recent pics...

Picture on her 10 month birthday!

Flight on the way to Florence. Everyone on all planes (4 in total for the weekend) were amazed with how well Kate did. They were definitely in awe that someone her size would watch a video like she did. All I can say is thank goodness for Baby Einstein!

On the plane on the way back.

Kate with Granny. Granny got Kate a great puzzle book that we love! I had actually left Kate's favorite puzzle book on the plane on the way to Florence so we were excited that Granny got her another one.

Kate with Daniel. Daniel is so sweet and really wants to hold Kate when he sees her and for once Kate cooperated and sat with Daniel for a few minutes.

Playing with Mardi Gras beads at Nonna and Papa's house

Dancing with ABC Elmo with Mary Emma, Liza and Daniel.

1 comment:

  1. I feel blessed that we got to see you two while in town. Kate is a little whipper snapper.
