Thursday, February 17, 2011

1 Trimester Down, 2 To Go...

And now for an update on baby #2. The newest Speyrer seems to be doing well all snuggled away in my belly. He/she is growing (along with me) by the day. We went to the doctor on February 2 for my 12 week appointment and got to get another peek at the little one. We have quite a mover and a shaker on our hands already! The baby was pretty much as busy as it could be for its size, waving hands and kicking feet. It was hard for the ultrasound tech to get the measurements she was trying to because the baby was so busy! And we thought Kate was busy! I specifically remember this same ultrasound with Kate (because it's such a drastic difference from the 8 week 8 weeks it doesn't look like much other than a little flickering heart, at 12 weeks it looks like a real baby) and she was as laid back as ever. She looked like she was reclining and taking it easy but not this next one! So we are already getting prepared for another busy body :) But then again I know it could have just been the time of day, what I ate, who knows as to why this one was busy and Kate wasn't....guess we'll find out this next one's personality in a couple more trimesters! Everything looked good. The baby is measuring right on track and the heart rate was 168 (Nick still says that means girl all the way. Kate's was 158 at this point and the old wives tale is higher means girl). This pregnancy is flying by in comparison to my last. I guess we have Kate keeping us busy to thank for that! At this point just 6 more weeks until we can maybe catch a glimpse at whether this baby is going to be a little brother or a little sister.

Looks relaxed in the picture but those little legs and arms were moving!

This one shows the measurement. I was actually 11 weeks and 5 days and measuring 12 weeks and 1 day.

I thought this one was a cool picture. It is both hands. The one on top looks like it's reaching and you can actually count all five fingertips. The lower hand is folded some so you just see a top view of a few of the fingers. Amazing that it just takes less than 12 weeks to form a little baby with fingers and toes!


  1. yay!!! so sweet! I am so excited for you! I know Kate will be so excited to have a little brother or sister! Congrats!!!!

  2. aw, new baby speyrer is already super cute! can't wait to find out whether it's a "he" or "she"!
