Wednesday, March 30, 2011

IT'S A....

another GIRL!!! We are super excited!! But then again we would have been super excited no matter what we were having! Everything is looking great! The baby is measuring right on track and was pretty active during the ultrasound today. She gave the ultrasound tech a hard time trying to get her measurements both in movements and position. The baby was breech today, which isn't anything shocking. Kate was breech at this point too. I think it may just be the way my body is made. Maybe it's more comfy for my babies to hang out in there in the breech position. I know everyone will want to know if we've decided on a name and there have been no decisions yet. Had this little one been a boy we would be all set but we are tossing around several different girl names right now. I'll be sure to let you all know once we feel like we've made a decision.

Profile of our little lady

Her arm and hand

And her face. I know this one's a little hard to see. Image she's looking right at you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Enjoying Spring

I feel like a slacker for not posting more over the last few weeks but we've been sick and busy around here so it just hasn't happened. We have been thoroughly enjoying the nice spring weather...or on some days it feels like the beginning of summer already! A couple of weekends ago we took Kate to her first parade, the Baton Rouge St. Patrick's Parade. She had a great time! We had really hoped to get her to a parade during Mardi Gras but it just never worked out. Kate loves beads so that in itself was fun for her to get a bunch of beads and goodies and see how many she could wear all at one time! Then this past week Nonna was here to hang out with us during the week and watch Kate while Nick and I went to a wedding in Houston over the weekend. Kate and Nonna spent a lot of time playing outside and one afternoon we met Nick downtown to walk around and enjoy the beautiful azaleas around the state capitol. We did this last year and decided then that it might be an annual tradition since you just can't beat walking around enjoying the scenery and also trying to snap some pictures with the beautiful surroundings. We laughed at how much easier it was to snap some pictures of Kate last year in comparison to this year. Last year we could just plop her down next to something pretty and she would just smile. We spent much of our time this year just chasing Kate and she was way too into checking things out to give us the time of day. We did still get a few good shots.

As for me, the preggo, and baby #2 we are doing great! I started feeling the baby move over the last couple of weeks and it has gotten much more frequent over the last few days. Of course that is my favorite part of pregnancy. It is the most awesome feeling to feel that little baby fluttering around in there! I'm beginning to think that what the ultrasound tech said at our 12 week ultrasound may be true--that we've got a busy body on our hands. This little one is moving a lot! We go tomorrow morning to take another look and hopefully get to see what we are having. I can't wait!! I think I am more anxious to know the sex of this baby than I was with Kate. The bets around the Speyrer house are changing daily. Friday night at the rehearsal dinner for the wedding Nick was rubbing my belly telling everyone his boy was in there. Then Saturday at the wedding he told anyone that asked that daughter #2 was definitely in there. As for me, I'm pretty unsure. I've had girl vibes since the beginning and I guess deep down I'm still thinking girl but I'm not overwhelmed with girl thoughts. I guess we'll see tomorrow!

Kate and Daddy watching the St. Patty's parade

Kate riding in the wagon as we made our way to where we watched the parade. Notice how Kate is waving to anyone and everyone that she passes by. I think she thought she was the parade.

Kate checking out her little teddy bear that was the first of what ended up being many little stuffed animals that she caught. She immediately gave this one a hug and a kiss.

Kate and Daddy and all Kate's beads. She insisted on wearing all of them and was mad when we made her take some of them off

Our haul. No room for Kate to ride after the parade with all the beads and stuffed animals that we got.

Kate and the azaleas in front of the state capitol building


Happy to see Daddy when he came to meet us.

Kate was all about the lake. I think she would have run right in if we had let her.

Our little family

Kissing Daddy

Daddy started this game and Kate wouldn't let him stop. Not an easy game to play with our 30 lb girl.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

16 Months Old

Kate is 16 months old today! We are having fun and staying very busy around here. Now that it is consistently nice outside, we are spending a lot of time with Kate outside. She loves to go for a wagon ride, walk or stroller ride around the neighborhood. She's also happy to swing or just play around and explore outside. She usually cries whenever it's time to go in.

Kate is also starting to try out more words and is doing better at trying to repeat things we are saying. She finally added "ball" which is usually one of the first words for most kids but Kate decided she'd do things a little differently and wait. But now everything that's round is a ball...apples, grapes, you name it. Some other new words are, "cuh-key", with a big emphasis on the hard c sounds, for cookie. She uses this for actual cookies as well as Cookie Monster on Sesame Street. It's either "chi-chin" or "kick-kin" for chicken. "Ddddss" for beads, as in Mardi Gras beads, which she loves to sport around the house. "Ock" for socks, "book" for all her books that she loves, "nigh, nigh" for night, night.

A few funny facts about Kate...first, she LOVES shoes!! Typical girl, I know. We bought her some new shoes fairly recently and after trying them on in the store (which she was happy to do) she insisted on wearing them out of the store. Her old ones were definitely NOT going back on her feet! I also ordered her some flip flops from Old Navy that have been in my office as I try to decide whether or not to keep them or get a bigger size. She brings them to me all the time wanting to put them on. Kate also LOVES Wheel of Fortune. She has for a very long time now. When she first learned to clap, she loved to clap when the audience clapped, and she still does that every now and then. Her big thing recently is that she knows when the show is about to go off, before Pat and Vanna even say good-bye, Kate starts waving to tell them bye-bye. She also has to know and be in the middle of whatever is going on. If I am working on dinner, she wants to be up to see (and have her hands in) what I am working on, if I am doing the laundry, she wants to be up on the counter so she can watch as I throw clothes in the washer. In her role as sous chef, she likes to sample whatever I am cutting/chopping. Some recent favorites are yellow peppers, sweet potatoes and zucchini, all raw of course.


Ready for a wagon ride around the neighborhood

Swinging at the playground

Notice the pink flip flops. These are the ones I talked about above. She brought them to me one morning while she still had her pj's on and insisted on putting them on. Since the pj's had feet in them, I had to strip her down to let her sport her shoes.