Wednesday, March 30, 2011

IT'S A....

another GIRL!!! We are super excited!! But then again we would have been super excited no matter what we were having! Everything is looking great! The baby is measuring right on track and was pretty active during the ultrasound today. She gave the ultrasound tech a hard time trying to get her measurements both in movements and position. The baby was breech today, which isn't anything shocking. Kate was breech at this point too. I think it may just be the way my body is made. Maybe it's more comfy for my babies to hang out in there in the breech position. I know everyone will want to know if we've decided on a name and there have been no decisions yet. Had this little one been a boy we would be all set but we are tossing around several different girl names right now. I'll be sure to let you all know once we feel like we've made a decision.

Profile of our little lady

Her arm and hand

And her face. I know this one's a little hard to see. Image she's looking right at you.


  1. Yay! CONGRATS CONGRATS to all the Speyrers!!! Kate is going to love having a little sister :) so fun!

  2. YAY!!! Kate's a big sister! Congrats Abbie, i know you are beside yourself!!!

  3. No surprises here! I told Nicky he was destined to have all girls. CONGRATS on Little Lady #2 :)
