Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Third Trimester Here We Come...

I cannot believe that I am officially in my third trimester. I'm not sure where the second one went. Me and the littlest one are doing pretty good. I am finding that I need to take it a little easier these days which is a little difficult with my big, almost 19 month old running around. I went for my 28 week check up last week and all was good. My measurements and experiences (already lots of Braxton Hicks contractions) are normal for a second pregnancy according to the doctor. I am anxious to get another look at her but don't think I'll have another ultrasound until around 34 weeks.

The little one still does not have a definite name. We've had several top contenders and have really narrowed down the list but aren't ready to commit just yet. We also officially started on the nursery over the last week or so. We are moving my office to where our guest bedroom used to be and the old office will become the nursery. The baby will get Kate's old furniture and we have ordered big girl furniture for Miss Kate. The nursery is currently empty and ready to be painted this weekend. I will be sure to include pictures as we start to get it completed.

We are getting really excited as we realize just how close we are to having this little one! We will keep you updated with progress during this final stretch.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Family Trip to NOLA

Last weekend we took a trip, just the 3 of us, to New Orleans. Once we found out we were pregnant Nick and I discussed doing something special as a family of 3 before the baby gets here. May 13th was also mine and Nick's 5 year wedding anniversary and rather than take a trip alone we decided to take one with Kate. So we loaded up first thing Saturday morning and set out for New Orleans. We hit up the aquarium just as they opened and we had a great time looking at the fish and feeding the birds in the parakeet exhibit. Once we finished there we walked through the French Quarter to find some lunch before heading back to the hotel for a nap. After we all had some rest we went back out to walk around before heading to dinner at Palace Cafe. Nick and I had a very nice meal in honor of our anniversary while Kate hung out (she wasn't very into the food so she got to watch a video while we ate).

Sunday morning we got up and headed to Cafe du Monde for beignets and coffee (juice for Kate) before heading to the Zoo. Our zoo trip was a little shorter than we thought it was going to be because Miss Kate was a little tired (and cranky) from less sleep than usual in a strange place. She enjoyed what she did get to see though and had fun for a little while at the Cool Zoo. We would highly recommend both Audubon attractions that were our big stops for the weekend and were especially impressed with how beautifully maintained the zoo was!

One of Kate's favorite books since she was born is Goodnight Nola. It is similar to Goodnight Moon except it says "Goodnight" to things famous to New Orleans. So Nick and I had discussed the fact that someday we wanted to create a version featuring Kate and thought this trip would be the perfect opportunity to do so. So along with pictures from our trip that I'm sharing below. Here is a link to a photo book that I created on Shutterfly and am ordering for Kate as a keepsake.

Kate at the Aquarium

Family pic outside the aquarium

Kate admiring the fish and sting rays

With Daddy checking out the sharks

In the parakeet exhibit at the Aquarium

Kate feeding the parakeets herself

Riding a fish in a kids play area at the Aquarium

Still in the play area. Kate became pretty territorial over this oyster. She scared off a couple of older kids and I think she would have sat there all day if we'd let her.

Kate and Daddy checking out the monkeys at the zoo. Kate said "Ee, ee!", which is her monkey noise, non-stop around the monkeys

Looking at the white tigers

Kate petting a bunny. Yet another place she would have stayed all day if we'd let her. Unfortunately we didn't and a meltdown ensued after leaving this cute bunny

The "Cool Zoo"

Kate was pretty content hanging out in a pool at the foot of one of the water slides.

I also wanted to give a link to some photos our friend Nicole took of Kate right before she turned 18 months. I forgot to post the link in her 18 month update. Nicole took some awesome pictures of Kate at 6 months so we couldn't wait to get her to take some more a year later. These turned out great too! Click here to take a look.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

18 Months and "Ah-sigh!"

I can't believe we are already to the half-birthday mark this year! We feel like Kate is learning at light speed at this point. She is understanding more and more and talking more and more every day. Her vocabulary is to the point that I can't possibly capture all of her new words since last month in one post. She is also beginning to string 2 or more words together at times. Kate is super sweet with her babies and toys. She will kiss them, cover them up with a blankie and tell them "nigh, nigh", take them for stroller rides, try to share her juice and snacks with them along with her paci. She's become quite the little momma all of a sudden. One of her favorite toys right now is her Little People farm. Kate LOVES all animals and loves taking them out, giving them kisses and carefully placing them in their stalls in the barn. She will also kiss the farmer, put him on the top floor of the barn and say "Geeeeee!" (for Wheee!) as she slides him off the top. We are also beginning to see more and more of her...personality I guess you could say...we often call it attitude :) She is a girl who generally knows what she wants and will let you know if things aren't going her way. Momma and Daddy are learning how to deal with our strong willed girl.

By far the most common word we hear on a daily basis is "ah-sigh" (outside). Kate would live outside if we would let her. She likes to walk around, ride in her wagon or stroller, swing, play in her water table, help Daddy water the plants and just be outside. We have also recently introduced a play kitchen that we inherited and a pool/splash pad, both of which she absolutely loved! I thought for her 18 month update I would share some pictures from her time "ah-sigh"

Cooking outside and offering Momma a bite

Busy in the kitchen

Relaxing and reading after her dip in the pool

Looking like queen of the pool surveying things from the top of the slide

Playing in the pool

Taking a walk with Daddy

Playing with her water table

Watering the plants at Nonna's house. Kate tries to water the plants at home with Daddy's big watering can so the Easter bunny brought Kate her own little watering can and she couldn't wait to put it to good use.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Belated Easter!!

We spent Easter in Florence with the Johnson clan. Kate had a great time playing with all of her cousins and luckily the Easter bunny found her at Nonna and Poppa's house. We hope that all of you had a very happy Easter as well!

Kate Easter morning after mass

The family

Kate's goodies from the Easter Bunny

She went straight for the suckers

Hunting eggs

And here's a little video of Kate checking out her Easter basket and another clip on the end of her hopping like a bunny