Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Third Trimester Here We Come...

I cannot believe that I am officially in my third trimester. I'm not sure where the second one went. Me and the littlest one are doing pretty good. I am finding that I need to take it a little easier these days which is a little difficult with my big, almost 19 month old running around. I went for my 28 week check up last week and all was good. My measurements and experiences (already lots of Braxton Hicks contractions) are normal for a second pregnancy according to the doctor. I am anxious to get another look at her but don't think I'll have another ultrasound until around 34 weeks.

The little one still does not have a definite name. We've had several top contenders and have really narrowed down the list but aren't ready to commit just yet. We also officially started on the nursery over the last week or so. We are moving my office to where our guest bedroom used to be and the old office will become the nursery. The baby will get Kate's old furniture and we have ordered big girl furniture for Miss Kate. The nursery is currently empty and ready to be painted this weekend. I will be sure to include pictures as we start to get it completed.

We are getting really excited as we realize just how close we are to having this little one! We will keep you updated with progress during this final stretch.

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