Sunday, February 12, 2012

Emily 5 & 6 Month Updates - A Lot Has Happened!

I know that when Emily gets old enough to realize she will point out that the first monthly update for either girl I have missed since Kate was born was when she was 5 months old, and I'm sure will be followed by a "poor, pitiful second child" sob story. As a third child myself I know how this works. However, now as a Mom who just survived a month of sickness in the Speyrer household, I understand that with kiddos, especially more than one kiddo, sometimes there are circumstances that just set you back for a little while. Now I know it just sounds like I'm full of excuses, but we really did have a rough month of January around here. We were all sick at some point. Kate survived the best, Emily got it a little worse and I took the prize for being the sickest around here. I won't go into the gory details since this blog is not about me, but I will just say that I am glad to be on the other side and feeling much better now and will give a big recommendation for probiotics. So back to the updates...

We just celebrated Emily's half birthday on Sunday 2/11 and since my last monthly update on her was at 4 months, you can imagine that a lot has been happening with little, Miss Emily. Emily went today for her 6 month checkup and is weighing in at 18 lbs, 7 oz and is 28 1/4 inches long, which is 90th percentile and off the charts respectively. We are having so much fun with our sweet, happy baby!! Emily is very laid back and seems to be quite content most of the time. She is learning to make her voice known just to ensure that we don't forget about her at times. We laugh all the time about how loud she is! She loves to squeal and does it quite often. Emily has learned how to roll over in both directions and now uses her rolling skills as her primary way to get around. I am thinking we may skip the scooting stage altogether with her because she rolls so well. I think her next step may be crawling.

Emily rolling over just after she turned 4 months

Also, just after she turned 4 months, we started Emily on baby food. Around that time she was starting to consistently wake up in the middle of the night so we started with some rice cereal at night around supper time and it did the trick…until we got sick...but now we are back to sleeping pretty good through the night. Emily was very eager to eat in the beginning. She had been eyeing everyone else's food for a while and was excited to be eating herself. We have now worked our way up to oatmeal for breakfast and rice cereal and a veggie for supper.

Emily at 4 months ready for her first meal

Her face makes it look like she's not so sure about it, but she gobbled it right up!


Emily does not have any signs of teeth yet, but I'm sure it won't be too long. With her being a little bit more mobile now, she is getting better at getting her hands on more things that are all going straight to her mouth. She was also pretty resistant to her paci up until very recently and then it seemed like she woke up one day and decided that she was obsessed with it! She would keep it in her mouth constantly if I let her. Emily is also now able to sit up pretty well by herself. She's not able to sit up on her own yet but if we help her into a sitting position she can sit and play pretty well. Emily loves Kate and is much happier when Kate is around to entertain her. I just cannot believe how fast these 6 months have flown by, but we have been enjoying every minute of it with Emily!! It gets more fun every day!!

Emily at about 4.5 months

5 Months Old helping Momma bake in the kitchen

After getting Kate to bed one night I came out to find these 2 snoozing away on the couch

Emily loves to swing outside.

All dressed up for her half birthday. Couldn't squeeze any smiles out but still looking pretty cute sitting up like a big girl!

No smiles but full of silly faces. Here she's sticking out her tongue.

And here almost smiling while she sucks on her bottom lip

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