Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Half Birthday Kate!

 Kate was 2 1/2 years old on May 2.  She's now quick to tell anyone who asks that she is 2 and a half placing a big emphais on the 1/2!  She is such a big girl!  It is unbelievable how quickly she has gone  from being a baby to a "big girl"!  Kate definitely has reached a point where she wants to be more independent...has an opinion about her food, clothes, shoes...oh the shoes!!!  This girl is such a girly girl and loves dresses and shoes!  As much as she likes them though getting her to transition from winter shoes to sandals was quite a task.  Had to orchestrate a visit from the Shoe Fairy (who knew there was such a thing!) to just get us over the hump from old to new.  Kate has been loving going to her play school 3 mornings a week and we are sad that it's now over for the summer.  Kate is also quite the chatterbox these days and most recently has started the neverending "Why, Momma?"'s.  I probably get asked why at least 100 times a day.  I try to answer the best I can but we usually reach a place of either "I don't know!" or "Just because" and if you ask Kate why she usually give a drawn out "beecaaauuuse!".  It's pretty funny.  Kate's pretty patient with Emily often letting her play with her.  Of course she has her moments where she doesn't want to share and doesn't want Emily around but overall, Kate's a great big sister.  Kate is still pretty tall for her age, looking more like a 3 or 4 year old than a 2 year old, with a head full of curly hair!  We are loving the curls!  Her hair still looks pretty short most of the time but it's because the longer it gets, the more it curls.  Before Kate was born, we looked at baby pictures of Nick and laughed and laughed about his curls and Kate now looks JUST like him!  When we show Kate pictures of Nick around her age she will tell us that it is her.  She cannot comprehend for one second that it was her Daddy.  I've been wanting to post a comparison for a long time now but didn't have the pics of Nick scanned whenever I sat down to blog.  Well the time has finally come--

As a special treat for Kate recently, we also took Kate to Disney Princesses on Ice with several of ours and Kate's friends.  She loved it!  To say that she's obsessed with princesses is an understatement, so it was right up her alley.  The show was great and we enjoyed getting to do something special with just our big girl (Emily stayed home with Pop Pop).

Kate and her cousin Karoline all dressed up and ready to go see Disney Princesses on Ice

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