Sunday, November 29, 2009

Much To Be Thankful For

Kate spent her first Thanksgiving with the Speyrer's in Port Barre and Eunice. She had a great first overnight trip away from home. We learned that she loves to ride in the car, we just hope it stays that way after our next big car trip to Florence. Eight hours is a little bit more to handle than the one hour trip to Port Barre. We ate Thanksgiving dinner with Kate's Great Aunt Fanny, Great Mama Speyrer and cousins Maria, Hunter and their newest addition Connor, Vincent, Christy and Tanner and Dixie. Lunch was wonderful and visiting with family was even better. After we had our fill at Aunt Fanny's we returned to Pop Pop's house where Nanny and Parrain stopped by so that Kate could finally formally meet her Nanny. Nanny came to the hospital when Kate was born but hadn't been able to hold her yet since she was sick for the baptism. Kate also got to visit with Uncle D, Aunt B (and Aunt B's family), Uncle Sherb and Aunt T, and Great Mama LaHaye as well. We returned to Baton Rouge on Friday so that Kate could meet a few close friends who were in town for the weekend. She had a great time meeting Stewart and Amy Jolly, Tosh and Suzanne Wolfe, and Allen and Jenny Richey. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends and most of all for our precious little girl. We hope everyone had a great holiday!!

Mama Speyrer and Kate and Nick with Connor

Some quality time with Pop Pop

The proud grandparents had a rock off while Mama Speyrer looked on

Pop Pop wouldn't give Kate up long enough to carve the turkey so the electric knife was passed on to Nick. He dove right in with a little instruction from Mama

Cousins Maria, Hunter and Connor

We know Kate and Connor will be great friends in the future.

Nanny and Parrain with Kate in Port Barre

Kate loved meeting Jenny and Allen Richey. Also thanks to the Richeys for our great dinner on Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet picture of Kate and Pop Pop up close! Sorry we couldn't stop by for a visit this trip. Hope to see y'all over the holidays!
