Monday, November 9, 2009

Kate's First Football Weekend: A Little Family Rivalry

Kate's first weekend was a big one in the Speyrer household. As most of you know, Nick is a HUGE LSU fan and Abbie cheers on the Crimson Tide so it was fitting for Kate to arrive just in time for the family rivalry football game. There has been much debate throughout most of the pregnancy and especially during the week leading up to the game as to which colors Kate would be sporting on the big day. We finally agreed that she would support both teams by wearing each school's colors at some point during the day.

Daddy kicked off the day by getting Kate all geared up in her LSU stuff.

When Mommy went to look for Kate's Alabama outfit it was no where to be found. She thought maybe it was packed away somewhere else. She asked Daddy if he knew where it was and received what she thought was a sincere, "No babe. I have no idea where it would be." The more Mommy looked, the more she began to realize that the AL outfit had been hidden. She searched high and low and finally uncovered Kate's only Alabama duds in her toy chest in her room.

As quickly as possible she was changed into her Alabama outfit with no help from Daddy.

Lucky for Daddy, Kate wears a onesie under her harness at all times and Mommy was nice enough to leave the LSU onesie on under the Alabama outfit. Here's Kate showing support for both teams.

Overall it was a great day for the family. Daddy even got over his unhappiness at Kate's Alabama outfit and snuggled up with the enemy for a nap.

One final note from Daddy - Research tells us that Kate's eyes are physically capable of seeing just fine right now, but her brain isn't ready to process all that visual information, so things stay pretty fuzzy for a while. As her brain develops, so does her ability to see clearly, giving Kate the tools she needs to understand and manage her environment. Though the baby starts out life being able to see only as far as our face when we hold her, Kate's range of clarity grows steadily, month by month. Why do I bring this up? Well clearly the refs at the Bama/LSU game have similar issues. Either that or they were paid off by the boys in Birmingham. We'll let you decide. Until next year...

Speyrer/Johnson Bowl
establish 2004
Speyrer - 4 wins
Johnson - 2 wins


  1. In the picture where she's wearing both teams' shirts, she looks a little tickled, like she's thinking, "My parents are so crazy!"

  2. HAHAHA!! I love it! You two are hilarious, take all that red stuff off that poor baby:)
