Sunday, October 3, 2010

11 Months Old

I cannot believe that we are less than 1 month away from having a 1 year old! Kate is weighing in at just over 26 lbs, holding steady with 4 teeth (even though I think she is working on another one right now) and is strolling her little legs off but still no walking. By far her favorite thing to do right now is push her stroller (see Strolling Along... post). We have had a great time lately playing outside in the evenings thanks to some gorgeous weather down here! Also, Kate and I have been jogging (Kate riding) most mornings for another chance to enjoy the nice temperatures. Kate is still eating great! She will try anything that we give her and regularly eats whatever we're eating for dinner. She is sweet and has gotten more affectionate over the last month handing out kisses to Mama and Daddy (we're working on kisses to others) often. Kate jabbers constantly and I know she's got a lot going on in that little head that she wants to tell us all about but she can't quite get it out. She doesn't really have too many new words. She's adding Mama back to the vocabulary after a long hiatus...Hooray!!...and is trying hard to repeat the things we're saying without much success yet but I know it won't be long before she gets the hang of it. We continue to have a blast with out sweet girl on a daily basis! Enjoy some of the recent pictures...

After one of our morning jogs. You can tell how much Kate enjoys it.

This was our third week in a row tailgating and since LSU had an early game (2:30) we were able to see the band march down the hill. Kate and Daddy really enjoyed getting to see this together.

1 comment:

  1. Aww!!! She is doing just like Rowan did about walking!!! She will get there and you guys will be chasing her everywhere! :) She is just beautiful and you both are obviously wonderful parents!!! :)
