Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Steps!!!

Big news around the Speyrer house! Miss Kate finally decided to brave her first few steps!! Over the weekend Nick went to the Florida/LSU game in Gainesville and he kept saying before he left that he didn't want to go because he just knew that Kate was going to start walking while he was gone. Well she didn't just take off walking, but she did start to build up her confidence a little starting on Friday afternoon. She would take about 2-3 steps as she kind of fell forward into my arms. We had a busy day on Saturday so no time for major practice and then as soon as Nick got home on Sunday she took like 4 steps where he got to see it. I tried to show off Kate's new trick to Mondy, the babysitter, yesterday and Kate was not having it and really wouldn't try all day. Then this afternoon, once Nick was home from work we gathered up a few items to try to entice her to take a few steps and she did great!! We were even able to catch a few video clips to share. Forgive us for the shaky video but remember our equipment is an iPhone and it took some coordination between the 2 of us to get her going. Our baby girl is growing up!