Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First Birthday Party!!

Kate's First Birthday Party was on Sunday. We had a great time! Kate was great for the entire party except for when it was time for her cake. Even with our practice during the week before her party she really wanted nothing to do with her cake. She didn't mind it if we gave her a few bites but she didn't want to dig into it with her own hands. Kate got a lot of great gifts! She has LOVED having new things to play with this week! Thanks again to all of our family and friends who were at the party in person and those who were there in spirit! Kate knows that she is loved by each and every one of you and loves you too!

The birthday girl!

The family

Playing with Candace and Adi Levy

Kate loved the decorations for the party. I thought she would like the balloons the best but I think she liked the banner a little more. She was reaching for it all day.

Kate's cakes

Looking like she's ready for her cake...

Still looks like she's interested in the cake...

And now she just wants to get away from it

She kept turning around in her seat and burying her head in her high chair cushion

After we got her out we finally convinced her to try a bite of the cake and she was pleasantly surprised

We coaxed her back into her seat to see if she would try the cake now that she had a taste but she was more interested in feeding it to Daddy

Kate finally got a little messy but it was from playing with and not eating any of the cake

All cleaned up and ready for presents

Helping Momma open gifts

Kate was excited to see everything that we opened and starting playing right away with all of the toys

Adi showing Kate how to use her ride on toy

And here's Connor giving her tips on another ride on toy

All the kids enjoying the new toys

Adi, Kate and Connor testing out the "house"

After all the guests left Kate and Papa kept playing outside with all of her new toys

The pictures above gave a short play by play of the cake experience but I thought that I would also share the video.


  1. Happy birthday, sweet Kate! Emily watched the video with me and was super excited about the cake. :)

  2. Little Kate Speyrer is growing up so quickly. The pictures are sweet. You look amazing. Hope to see you next weekend in Tuscaloosa. Lurve.
