Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Belated Happy Thanksgiving!!

We have stayed quite busy lately chasing our little walker around! That's right Miss Kate finally decided that she prefers walking over crawling. I'm a little late getting this update on the blog. She decided literally the day after we had her birthday party. Nick was saying for a couple of months leading up to Kate's birthday that he wanted her to be walking for her party...well I guess she showed him! Monday morning my Mom and Dad packed up to head back to Florence and Kate got up from her afternoon nap that day and decided she was done with crawling and walked all over the place.

We also traveled to Florence for the Thanksgiving holiday and were lucky enough to spend the whole week with family up there. We had a perfect week! Kate had a great time visiting with Nonna and Papa, Granny, Aunt Anna and Uncle Jason and all her cousins! In addition to visiting with family we also did some fun things around Florence. Nonna and I took Kate to visit the lions, Leo and Una, at UNA where I went to school. Kate is CRAZY about animals right now so getting to see the big cats was right up her alley. Nick and I also got to go to the Iron Bowl with Anna and Jason while Nonna and Papa watched all of the kids. It wasn't quite the outcome we had hoped for but we had a great time anyways! Even got to see out good friends Brad and Christie Berry while we were in Tuscaloosa.

We hope that all of you had a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends and our precious Kate! We couldn't have a busier, chattier, funnier and sweeter little girl and we are so thankful to be so blessed!

Enjoy some pictures from our Thanksgiving week

Kate at UNA making our way towards Leo and Una

Kate stopped to check out the pansies. Purple and Gold for UNA also like another school I know...

Nonna and Kate checking out Leo

With Una

And Leo again

Kate liked trying out this lion riding toy

Family photo for Thanksgiving

With Daddy

Nonna took Kate for a ride in the wagon a few times over the weekend. Kate absolutely loves it! I think she's trying to give Santa a hint about what she might like to have for Christmas.

Nonna and Papa helped us snap some family pics in hopes that we'd get some good ones to use for Christmas cards. I've saved the Christmas card hopefuls but thought I would share a few from our shoot. Here's one of Kate and Daddy

One with Momma

And the family

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