Wednesday, December 15, 2010

13 Months Old

Kate was 13 months old on December 2 and is more fun than ever! We are constantly entertained and amused by what Kate is coming up with. We are also in awe of how smart we think she is, although I'm sure all parents feel that way. She really hasn't added too many new words to her repertoire. One that I have mentioned in earlier posts, "Hot", has been perfected. Kate was saying in an almost whisper as more of a "Huh" with no T on the end but she has recently started emphasizing the missing T. Now it is a definitive "Ho-tuh". She is also big on animal sounds. She is great at the sounds that a dog, cow and tiger make. For the Christmas season we have been working on what Santa says. Most of the time we get a "Ho" and some times a "Hohohuh" all run together. Kate also knows a few body parts. She knows her ears, hands, teeth (because we brush them every night and she's not a big fan of it), belly and hair (she loves combing, brushing, pretending like she's drying her hair or anyone else's hair). She can find eyes and belly button on someone else but doesn't yet find them on herself. Kate is still quite a busy little bee. You can tell there is always something buzzing in her little brain. At night our routine is to drink some milk and then rock her for a little while before putting her in the bed. When Nick is in charge they mostly giggle and play instead of settling down and rocking. When I am in charge I try to get her to snuggle and settle down so I usually sing and hum a little. She has started humming along with me, I almost think to make sure I know she's still busy...and to keep herself from falling asleep. It's pretty cute! Finally, our little dancing queen has some new moves. Her latest we refer to as the spin move or the twirl. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

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