Tuesday, June 21, 2011

19 Months & Talking, Talking, Talking!

We have been busy lately listening to all Miss Kate has to say...and it's a lot!! She has continued to progress so quickly with her vocabulary and ability to communicate. I was telling someone yesterday that when she was younger and couldn't really talk, I used to wonder what was going on in her little head...now we know. It seems like a constant stream of consciousness coming out of her little mouth and most of it is understandable, at least by me anyways. When she gets up in the morning she's telling us "hey" and often "poo poo" since everything in her diaper, poo or not, is considered poo poo right now. Then she moves on to demanding "milk" and "mickey" and when prompted follows it up with a sweet "peeezzz" for please. After breakfast most mornings she moves on to playing something, or several things until lunch time. Her favorites right now are playing "night, night" in "sissy's" room. There is no furniture in the baby's new room but I have bought her bedding so Kate likes to get out her bumper and sheet, arrange it on the floor and play night, night over and over and over again. She also likes to "cook" in her kitchen and "wing" (swing) outside. Sprinkled throughout playtime she will ask for Micky or Elmo (mostly Micky) about a hundred times. For lunch she loves "burbers" (black bean burgers) and "hot dogs" (which are really corn dogs). After lunch time for a nap then more play time until dinner. Then it's time for a "bah" (bath), preferably with lots of "bubbas" (bubbles) and we get ready for bed. She knows her little routine and will want to help with her "botion" (lotion) and loves to "brush" her teeth. Kate has more demands for "milk" and "book" instead of Micky at bedtime. Then she heads off to bed after kisses to Momma and Daddy and telling us "nigh, nigh" and "wuv ooh" (love you) and often "bye, bye" as well. Anyways, that's a day in the life of Kate right now with a sampling of the many words that we hear everyday. I also recorded several clips of her talking and thought I would share that for her 19 month update. It's a little longer than most of my videos but Nick and I think it's pretty funny.

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