Sunday, June 26, 2011

Beach Bums

We went on the Johnson family beach vacation to Ft Morgan (west of Gulf Shores, AL) from June 11 - 18. It was an absolutely perfect week!! Kate LOVED the beach!!! I told Nick that she got just about everything from him (looks like him, acts like him...) but she got my love of the beach. From the first moment she stuck her toes in the sand and water she was hooked! She squealed with delight and had no fear of the water whatsoever. Every day, multiple times a day if we weren't already headed in that direction, Kate was asking to go to the "beat" (beach).

Kate also got in some great quality time with Nonna, Poppa, her aunts, uncles and all of her cousins on my side of the family this week. The big girls, Mary Emma and Camden, were so sweet with Kate and such a big help all the time! The boys, Daniel, Owen and Connor, were as playful as ever too with her. Kate is still big buddies with Daniel and she wanted to know where he was most of the time, calling him when she couldn't find him, "Dan-ull!!!" The littler girls, Liza and Langley, were super sweet playing with Kate too. They all got in some quality pool time together at the beach (we had a baby pool under a tent down at the beach). And of course Kate had a good time playing with Harper, aka "Hapah", who is just 6 weeks younger than Kate.

Thanks again to Nonna and Poppa for such a great week!!! We are already looking forward to next year!

First steps on the beach and into the water with Daddy on the day we arrived.

In love from the first moments!

With Mary Emma and Langley

Busy "cooking" while relaxing in the baby pool

Having a tea party with Liza and Langley

Kate borrowed some of the bigger kids' "goggas" for bath time one night and insisted on wearing them for the entire bath

The fascination with the "goggas" continued through the rest of the week

With Daddy

Relaxing and riding the waves with Daddy

Walking with Nonna

Beach baby!

Playing in the sand with Nonna

The family

The whole group!!

Also here's a few video clips we took during the week

And here's a link to a slideshow that my sister, April, made of the week. Shows more of the whole family.

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