Saturday, July 30, 2011

August 15 - A Good Day for a Birthday???

Well me and Miss Emily are entering the home stretch of this pregnancy. As of today, I am 37 weeks and officially full term even though pregnancies are technically measured out 40 weeks. I am going to the doctor weekly and everything continues to look good. I went on Thursday of this week and we have made no progress as of yet and we went ahead and scheduled the c-section for Monday August 15 at 8:00 AM. Seems like a great day for a birthday to me! But then again at this point just about any day seems like a great day for a birthday to me. I guess Miss Emily will be the one to decide if the 15th is going to be her birthday or if she would like to come and see us sooner.

We have continued to get ready for her arrival. My mom came down and surprised me for my birthday the weekend of the 17th. We spent a few days shopping for a few little things that I needed for Emily. Nick also got all of our baby items out of the attic and Mom and I washed clothes and put together bouncey seats, swings, etc. After that weekend I felt like we were in great shape as far as being ready for Emily's arrival. Then we had a little excitement this week that motivated me to get some bags packed just in case. I had regular contractions for a few hours one evening. But my trip to the doctor for my regularly scheduled appointment confirmed what I had already figured out...that it was just false labor. I like to think of it as God's way of reminding me and Nick that we need to be ready whenever. So now we are ready, ready with bags packed and everything.

And to close with an interesting side note--Nick pointed out last night that the next tropical storm is to be named Emily. The depression that is in the Atlantic right now that looks to be most likely named Emily is tracking towards the Caribbean and Cuba right now and then who knows. Nick said if it tracks into the gulf, develops into a hurricane and causes destruction maybe we should consider changing Emily's name. I laughed and said as long as it took us to decide on Emily, we are sticking with it, hurricane or not! So we're just waiting here on Hurricane Emily :) We are ready for her to disrupt our lives. We just hope it's only the Emily I'm carrying or that if there is a hurricane Emily that it either stays away from here or that the two Emily's don't decide to arrive at the same time! Oh well. Out of our control but a pretty interesting coincidence don't you think?

We go next Thursday for our 37 week appointment and what will probably be our last ultrasound. I will be sure to post another update including any ultrasound pics that we are able to get next week.

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