Monday, August 8, 2011

Kate - 21 Months and Counting

I can't believe that Kate is 21 months old...for a couple of reasons. The first and most obvious is that she is only 3 months away from turing two and I can't believe how fast time is flying. Secondly, all I have been able to think about her turning 21 months is that all through my pregnancy I have been telling people that the girls will be 21 months apart and now we are here! So obviously Kate is less than a week away from becoming a big sister! She is talking, talking, talking non stop right now. The funniest part is that in some ways we have kind of reverted back to some jibberish. In the beginning it was all jibberish, then she got really good at one and two word recognizable phrases and now I think she is trying to mimic conversational talking so she's adding jibberish in with her recognizable words. So it will be a string of jibberish and the two or three recognizable words will be at the end of her rambling. You just have to be patient and wait for them. It's pretty funny. Kate loves to count and has for some time now. She used to count with the numbers all out of order, but now we can catch her counting to 12 in order with no help. We think she's pretty smart. We are still working on colors and while most things are still "yeh-yo" (yellow) she's actually getting purple right a fair amount of the time. Kate has also always been a dancer and really enjoyed music but over the last few weeks she has found "her song" that she wants to dance to every day and once she gets started, before the song can even end she's chanting "again, again!" Her song of choice is Knee Deep by Zac Brown Band and Jimmy Buffett. Love the song but anything can wear on you after you hear it a thousand times. The dancing is the best when it's solo, but she's also gotten to where she likes to have a partner for much of her dancing. Her favorite partners are Mike the Tiger and any baby doll that may be close by. And if she's tolerating other music on the radio she will still definitely let us know if she wants us to change the song or not.

Well our next Kate update is sure to be different as she settles into life as a big sister, or I guess more like life that will have to be shared with a little sister. We all know it's going to be a big adjustment but hope that Kate handles it as best she can. Here are just a few recent pictures and a couple of videos.


Kate enjoying her new table and chairs in her room. She was excited to sit at the table and is dying to eat at it.


Kate swimming at her friend Adi's birthday party

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