Tuesday, September 6, 2011

22 Months Old & Off to School!

Well it's been a really big month for Miss Kate. As you know she has become a big sister in the last month and adjusted to life sharing her Momma and Daddy with Emily. She has been absolutely perfect with this adjustment. Kate continues to be the sweetest possible big sister! Every morning when she wakes up and when she wakes up from her nap in the afternoon she wants to know where "baby" (she does call her "Emma-me" sometimes but most of the time refers to her as "baby") is and she will go find her to tell her "He-whoa". Kate is really becoming quite the big girl right before our eyes. She is still talking up a storm and now can basically carry on a little conversation (with some jibberish mixed in). Kate still loves TV, especially Mickey with Dora coming in at a pretty close second and now really likes playing on our iPads. She can navigate through apps probably as good as I can.

The other big adjustment this month has been starting "school". We have enrolled Kate in a Mother's Day Out program at the Jefferson United Methodist Church here in Baton Rouge. Nick and I took Kate to the open house last Thursday and from the moment she walked through the door of the classroom she made herself right at home and pretty much forgot all about us. Today was her first day of school and Nick and I dropped her off at her classroom and again she just walked right in, started playing and never looked back. I am so excited for her to have this outlet 3 days a week for just 4 hours each day (9 AM to 1 PM) where she can play with other kids her age. She looked like such a big girl when I picked her up this afternoon, standing there holding her teacher's hand. She is growing up so fast!!

Ready for school. Hard to believe that in September in LA we needed for Kate to wear a jacket this morning. It has been an absolutely gorgeous and refreshing day here today!

Walking in to school with Daddy

On the way to her classroom

She was the first one there this morning so she was surveying the toy situation in her classroom

Playing with one of her teachers, Ms. Mandy

This was taken a couple of weekends ago while Aunt April was here. We have quite the lizard habitat at our house. It is crazy how many there are! Kate had one cornered behind her kitchen outside.

And as a side note, we were able to pretty much finish up Kate's room over the last month as well. Here are a few pictures of the finished product. Be sure to check out the awesome cubby/toybox that Nick and Uncle D built for Kate.

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