Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Emily One Month Old

Emily was one month old on Sunday the 11th. In many ways its hard to believe that she's already one month old but on the other hand I can hardly remember what it was like before she got here. We went for Emily's one month check up yesterday and she is weighing in at 10 lbs, 8 oz and is 22 inches long. I didn't get where she's at on the growth charts but the doctor did say that she's going to be big like her sister so maybe we're making our way up the charts already.

Things have definitely been different the second time around. We aren't as nervous about things as we were with Kate, and it's also been very interesting to try to figure out how to handle the two at the same time. Emily definitely prefers to be held a good bit, which can be challenging at times since we are still really hands on with Kate as well. I remember Kate loving to be in her swing and bouncy seat and Emily is not much of a fan of either. Emily does like her bed though and does pretty good resting there for short periods of time during the day. I don't want to jinx it, but she's also doing great in her bed at night. We regularly get a 5-6 hour stretch between feedings at night and last night she went almost 8 hours, the longest stretch so far. She is starting to be more awake and alert during the day, just checking things out. I have also braved a couple of outings (Target and the grocery store) with both girls and they have both been successful trips. I am able to put Kate in the buggy and carry Emily in a sling. She seems to be a big fan of the sling which is good and Kate thinks that Emily is hiding in the sling so we play peek-a-boo the whole time we are shopping. Good distraction for the big sis. Overall things are still going great! Of course it is challenging at times trying to give both girls all of the attention that they both need but I really couldn't feel any more blessed!

Captured a sleepy smile on her one month birthday. No "real" smiles yet but we know they'll be here soon.

Emily got her first bottle on her one month birthday. It was still breast milk, we're just making sure that she'll take a bottle if and when needed.

I hate that I am just now posting pictures from when my mom and sister were here 2 weeks ago. Nonna (my Mom) was here on Emily's birthday and stayed over 2 weeks to help us out in the beginning. She will never know how truly grateful we were not only for her help but also for that precious time that both girls (as well as me and Nick) got to spend with her! I don't know that I would have survived without her those first couple of weeks. I also have to thank Poppa (my Dad) for sharing Nonna with us for so long! Then my sister, April came down to meet Emily, hang out for the weekend and drive my mom back at the end of her two weeks with us. We were so glad that Aunt April got to meet Emily and Kate was thrilled to have her here! We can't wait for the rest of the Jungs, Boxes, Simmons and the rest of the Johnson clan to meet Emily! We will be making our way up to North Alabama soon enough!

Emily with Aunt April

Kate and Nonna

Everybody before Nonna and April were ready to start their trip home

Both girls with Nonna. Kate was giving Emily a kiss.

Nonna and Emily

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