Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas in Alabama

We were in Florence this year for the long Christmas weekend. When we got in on Thursday the family gathered to celebrate Nonna's birthday. Then Friday morning we had our Christmas celebration. We had a fabulous big breakfast and exchanged gifts. Christmas Eve we all went to a children's mass with Nonna and then made a trip to see a big Christmas lights display at a house that I remember going to as a child. Kate loved it! We had a relaxing Christmas day at home with Nonna and Papa and then Granny and Jan joined us for a wonderful lunch and later that night we visited with Uncle Mike, Lauren, Jason, Michael and Beth. Our visit was perfect! We were so happy to get to see and visit with everyone! The girls had a blast and loved playing with all of their cousins!

Nonna with Harper and Emily

Langley and Emily

Kate with Connor and Camden

Emily and Aunt April

Emily and Camden

All the kiddos (minus Emily who slept through the whole gift exchange)

Kate ready to open gifts






Mary Emma



Everyone patiently waiting until the adults said go

Daddy and Kate opening up some princess pj's

Kate and Emily before Christmas mass

Our little family

Daddy and Emily

Daddy and Kate

Momma and Emily

Kate wasn't too big on cooperating with pictures (which is the norm these days with her…she usually gets mad as soon as the camera comes out)

Aunt Jan, Nonna, Kate, Granny and Emily

Liza and Emily

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