Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Santa Claus Came To Town...

…a little early for the Speyrers. Even though I am just now getting around to posting, Santa actually visited us on 12/17. We put in this request to Santa so that we could enjoy our own little Christmas eve and Christmas morning at home and we are SO glad we decided to do that!! It was so wonderful! The girls were super sweet about everything! Pop Pop also got to come stay with us for the festivities and we were so happy to have him here with us too! Nick cooked a pork roast on our Christmas eve and we visited and opened our gifts to one another. We have started a tradition of opening Christmas PJs on Christmas eve so both girls got their matching Christmas PJs along with a thing or two from Momma and Daddy as well as gifts from one another. Of course Emily doesn't know what's going on yet, but I think it's important to teach about giving gifts during the Christmas season as well as receiving them. I picked up a little something for Kate to give to Emily and she surprised me with how well she did handling the whole situation. Kate helped me wrap it and was happy to give it to her baby sister for Christmas. The girls were also sweet about their things from Santa. Emily got an exersaucer, a door jumper and few other small things. Kate got a princess 4-wheeler, a set of Disney princess figurines and a few other small things. We expected a big reaction over the 4-wheeler and there was probably more of one over the princess figurines but she was excited about everything. Daddy and Momma had to show Kate what the 4-wheeler was all about before she was really anxious to get on it, but once she finally hopped on she was ready to go! We had such a great weekend and are so thankful for all of our blessings! We hope you enjoy our pictures from our holiday.

Kate helping hand out presents on Christmas eve

Hard to believe this is all before Santa even came! Also, I have to say that Kate exhibited some great patience waiting to open her gifts until we had them handed out

Kate's gift to Emily--Mike the Tiger. Kate has one of her own that plays the LSU fight song. This one does an LSU cheer. Kate really likes the new Mike but was happy to give it to Emily

We were so happy Pop Pop was here

Emily's toy from Momma and Daddy (Kate's enjoying it too!)

Kate and Daddy going to put cookies and milk out for Santa before bed

Treasures from Santa

Kate LOVES her princess figurines!

Emily checking out the frog on the exersaucer

The whole family on Christmas morning

Emily and her new friend Sophie the giraffe

With Pop Pop

Daddy showing Kate how her power wheels works

Emily in her door jumper

Ready to ride!

Momma's gift from Daddy--a real fire in the fireplace. First one in the 4 years that we've lived in this house!

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