Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter to all! We had a wonderful Easter weekend in Port Barre with Pop Pop and family! We drove in on Friday and had a fun family fish fry that night. Then Saturday morning we dyed Easter eggs with some of Kate and Emily's cousins--Braxton, Karoline and Claire. Then Sunday morning we woke up to find that the Easter bunny had been to visit Pop Pop's house bringing both girls lots of goodies! We had fun eating candy (for Kate) and snacks (for Emily) for breakfast and playing with all of the fun things in their Easter baskets. After lunch with Pop Pop and Mamaw Speyrer yesterday we headed back home. Enjoy some pictures from our weekend--

Thursday the girls helped me make an Easter bunny cake to take to Pop Pop's on Friday. It starts out as 2 round cakes...

Emily loves the camera these days! Then you cut one cake to make ears and a bow tie

We decorated with jelly beans and toothpicks. Kate loved eating and placing the jelly beans on the bunny's bow tie

Our finished product. This was an Easter tradition in my family. I remember making these cakes every year with my mom for Easter. So glad Kate was excited to get into it with me this year!

Pop Pop helping Braxton and Karoline dye eggs

Uncle D and Claire dying eggs

Kate patiently waiting for her first egg to be just the right shade of red

First egg done complete with Kate's name on it

A rare picture of Momma and Kate. I'm usually behind the camera for these types of events. Thanks Daddy for manning the camera!

Easter bunny goodies!

The girls checking out their goods

Emily Easter morning

And Kate enjoying her M&Ms for breakfast

The Easter bunny brought Kate a new princess dress that surprisingly was not a hit

Daddy teaching Kate how to pock eggs

Daddy and Pop Pop pocking. For those of you have never heard of pocking eggs (I had never heard of it before I met Nick), it is a game where you hit 2 eggs together and try to crack the other person's egg but not your own

Emily and Kate with Pop Pop and Mamaw Speyrer

Pretty girl!

This was the best I could do at trying to get a picture of the two of them together in their Easter dresses

Kate laughing at Pop Pop
Pop Pop and Emily

Again, best family pic we could get…

Daddy and Emily

Momma and Kate

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