Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break with the Jungs

A couple of weeks ago, Kate and Emily's Aunt April, Uncle Alan, Camden, Owen, Langley and Harper came to stay with us for part of their spring break. Kate looked forward to their arrival all week and anytime you asked who was coming she would shout, "My cousins!!!" while waving her arms in the air and jumping up and down. They got here on Wednesday evening. Thursday Nick and I worked while the Jungs + Kate went to the BR Zoo. Kate was very excited when telling us about her trip and said she had a lot of fun! Friday we all went to New Orleans for the day and took in both the Insectarium and Aquarium there. All of the kids had a great time! We went to the Insectarium first and while it was very interesting, Kate just wasn't very into it. She is not a critter or a bug girl…at least not yet anyways and she would look at some of the exhibits and then get a shiver. After lunch we were on to the Aquarium and Kate loved it! She was excited to see all of the fish, seahorses "like on Jake" (as in Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney) and jelly fish (Kate instantly started in saying "boing, boing, boing" when she saw the jelly fish. In Finding Nemo they play a game bouncing on the tops of the jelly fish). It was fun to see her put together some of the things she sees on TV and movies with the real thing. Kate had a blast and Emily was perfect! She just enjoyed being along for the ride and seeing new things. She slept in the baby bjorn for about half of our aquarium fun. After a long day of fun in NO, the grown ups enjoyed some crawfish after the kiddos went to bed Friday night. Then on Saturday the Jungs + Kate went to get beignets for breakfast and then all of the kids played around our house the rest of the day. They discovered a sand pile a couple houses over and had a big time playing in the sand. The Jungs also had a lot of fun catching all of the lizards that are around our house (I think they've been in hiding since they left :) We haven't seen quite as many lately). Kate loved playing with all of her cousins but especially buddied up with Camden. Camden was so sweet with Kate! Kate had so much fun playing with her! Camden read Kate bedtime stories every night and laid in the bed with her before it was time for her to go to sleep. We enjoyed having the Jungs here and can't wait to see them again soon!

Ready to go into the BR zoo

Having a big time at the zoo!

Checking out the turtles and fish

Kids' dinner time

Langley and Emily

Camden and Kate

Bath full of fun with all of the little girls

Emily with Daddy waiting in line at the Insectarium in New Orleans. Happy to be out and about!

The Jungs waiting at the Insectarium

Daddy and Emily inside the Insectarium

Kate sitting in the bug learning about love bugs

Listening to bugs on the phone with Langley and Harper. This was by far Kate's favorite part of the Insectarium. We spent some time talking to the bugs on the phone

Daddy and Kate at the Aquarium

Emily snoozing away at the Aquarium. Such a trooper!

Kate and Camden checking out some fish

Kate loved climbing on these shark's jaws

Kate also loved the parakeet exhibit. She was a little afraid of the birds and definitely didn't want to touch them but liked seeing them on Daddy.

She finally got brave enough to hold one on a feeding stick for a minute.

Looking at some sharks

Looking at jelly fish…"boing, boing, boing"

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