Sunday, July 1, 2012

Emily 10 Months Old & Ready for Rice & Gravy!

I just cannot believe that we are only 2 months away from Emily's first birthday!  Emily is getting so big and is so much fun!!  Her little personality is really starting to come out and she is getting to where she plays really well on her own, with Kate or with whoever else is around.  Emily is also more curious and a little mischevious lately.  She has figured out how to open drawers and whether it be in the kitchen, bathroom, Kate's room...anywhere...she is pulling open drawers and pulling out anything that she can find.  Emily is standing as much as possible and reaches for fingers to help her walk more than she reaches up to be held.  She plays this "game" where she'll hold her hands up in the air because she wants us to let her stand on her own.  So we let go and she'll grin really big and stand for a few seconds before falling back into our hands.  She will do this over and over again.  She's also gotten very good at pushing things--push toys but also chairs, stools, little wooden steps that we have for Kate, pretty much anything that she can move.  We have officially crossed over to the place where she will eat pretty much anything.  In the last month she got her first taste of rice and gravy and hasn't looked back.  She loves it and basically anything that we cook!  She's eating whatever we're eating most nights and still didn't have her first tooth!  We are having such a great time with Emily and can't wait to see more and more of her personality!!

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