Thursday, July 5, 2012

Emily Has Teeth!!!

Yes, I am the mom who has almost never spent time away from her kids and had only spent a night away from Emily since she's been born when I went out of town for 3 nights to get in some quality family time in Alabama.  While I was gone we hit a big potty training milestone with Kate and Emily cut her first tooth!!  Maybe they were just waiting on me to get out of their hair for a little while to get things moving along.  Since then Emily has another tooth on top and one about to cut through her bottom gums any minute!  She looks so cute with her two little stubs peeking through her top gums when she smiles!  I always think I will be so sad when they don't have their gummy grins anymore and then I fall in love with the new smiles that come along with new teeth!  Here's to enjoying each step along they way and excited for more milestones to come!

This was the picture I was texted while out of town.  Nick had some assistance from a sister-in-law

This was the best I could get trying to capture those 2 little stubs sticking out

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