Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hide & Seek

Right now Kate LOVES to hide from us! We are getting to where we have to keep doors to a lot of our rooms in the house closed so that it easier to find her once she decides she wants to hide. It's all about being pursued though so she really won't stay in hiding too long if someone doesn't come looking for her. Her favorite spots to hide are in the curtains (in various rooms) and in the back of mine and Nick's closet. Our closet is an L-shape so there is an area where it bends where we don't have any clothes hanging. Kate discovered this area and will scoot back there and often when I'm looking for her she gets excited and will pull some of our clothes in front of her to try to hide better. It's hilarious!

This is how I will often find her...waiting patiently for someone to come find her.


And she didn't figure this all out by herself. My older child (aka Daddy) taught her about hiding in the curtains.

In the closet frantically pulling jackets in front of her so that I won't find her


Monday, January 10, 2011

Kate's Got a Secret!

We have been sitting on a BIG secret around the Speyrer house for several weeks and Kate's here to tell you all about it--

If you can't read her shirt it says "Guess whoo has a secret?"

And on the back "I'm going to be a Big Sister!"

Yes, that's right! We are expecting Baby Speyrer # Deux! We are all very excited! Well Kate doesn't exactly know what she's in for yet but we think she'll be a great big sister! I am still pretty early in the pregnancy at just 8 weeks but we have been to the doctor and all things are looking good! The estimated due date is August 20, which will make our 2 little ones 21 months a part. Should be interesting! The heart rate was 173 which, according to the old wives tale, means that # Deux may be a girl! Nick was quick to point that out before we were even out of the doctor's office. He's quite certain that it's a girl but we'll just have to wait a few weeks and see! Here's a picture of the newest Speyrer
Baby Speyrer # Deux (we thought we'd call it #2 in french to go along with our cajun-ness just until we find out the sex) Doesn't look like too much yet but we saw the flicker of the heart and it even gave us a little wiggle. We love it so much already!

We told each of our families over Christmas using Kate's T-shirt as our big announcement. It was fun! Kate didn't know why she was getting so much extra attention all of a sudden!

This was at Pop Pop's on Christmas Eve. She looks kinda crazy because we just took her dress off and put the T-shirt on with her bloomers and tights.

Here's Pop Pop getting in close to check out what it says.

We are glad to have the news out in the open! Please say a little prayer that things continue to go well for our little bean.

14 Months Old

Kate was 14 months old on January 2. She's now pretty much running all over the place. Kate loves to play peek-a-boo and hide from us. Lucky for us that she can't stay in hiding too long before she comes running out as fast as she can with her hands up in the air and a huge smile on her face waiting for us to scoop her up and swing her around. She talks ALL THE TIME...but we still can't understand the vast majority of what she's saying. I have become a Kate interpreter though and understand several things that she says. Kate calls her beloved blankey "Haydey" I think it may have morphed from saying "Hey blankey!". She is very good with her S sounds. She LOVES peaches and will point to them and say "Sssss" like a little snake. Kate also says "Chsss" for cheese, "Jsss" for juice and "Ish" for fish. She's obsessed with the phone and anything that remotely resembles a phone she will point to, put her hand by her ear (if she can't get her hands on the actual phone) and say "Hoh?". She also either understands a lot of the questions we are asking or picks up on the inflection of a question and if she doesn't know the answer she will cock her head to the side with both hands up like she saying "I don't know?". As always we continue to have a blast with her! Here are a couple of recent pictures.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas (Part 3) at Nonna & Papa's

We traveled to Alabama for a long New Year's weekend. We left Baton Rouge on Wednesday evening and drove to Jackson and stayed with friends Paul, Julie and Annie Grace Laperouse. It was nice not having to tackle the whole drive in one day and we had a great time visiting with Paul and Julie and Kate had fun playing with Annie Grace! We made it in to Florence on Thursday and had our first family gathering that night. Then we had our Christmas on New Year's eve day. No big New Year's eve plans. We ate Mexican and were in bed by about 10:30...boring I know but Kate wakes up between 6:30 and 7 no matter what so I get my sleep in while I can! We gathered again for another great meal on New Year's day and then headed back home to Baton Rouge on Sunday. We have had a truly blessed holiday season! We have been able to spend great time with all of our family!


All of the cousins


Kate ready to open presents with her Mardi Gras beads on. The beads were by far her favorite thing to play with at Nonna & Papa's house. She put them on herself all the time and wore them most of the weekend.


Opening gifts with Daddy


Everybody ready to get started


Mary Emma and Camden


Connor, Daniel and Liza


Langley very happy to have gotten her purple pillow pet



Harper playing with her tea set