Monday, January 10, 2011

14 Months Old

Kate was 14 months old on January 2. She's now pretty much running all over the place. Kate loves to play peek-a-boo and hide from us. Lucky for us that she can't stay in hiding too long before she comes running out as fast as she can with her hands up in the air and a huge smile on her face waiting for us to scoop her up and swing her around. She talks ALL THE TIME...but we still can't understand the vast majority of what she's saying. I have become a Kate interpreter though and understand several things that she says. Kate calls her beloved blankey "Haydey" I think it may have morphed from saying "Hey blankey!". She is very good with her S sounds. She LOVES peaches and will point to them and say "Sssss" like a little snake. Kate also says "Chsss" for cheese, "Jsss" for juice and "Ish" for fish. She's obsessed with the phone and anything that remotely resembles a phone she will point to, put her hand by her ear (if she can't get her hands on the actual phone) and say "Hoh?". She also either understands a lot of the questions we are asking or picks up on the inflection of a question and if she doesn't know the answer she will cock her head to the side with both hands up like she saying "I don't know?". As always we continue to have a blast with her! Here are a couple of recent pictures.


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