Monday, January 10, 2011

Kate's Got a Secret!

We have been sitting on a BIG secret around the Speyrer house for several weeks and Kate's here to tell you all about it--

If you can't read her shirt it says "Guess whoo has a secret?"

And on the back "I'm going to be a Big Sister!"

Yes, that's right! We are expecting Baby Speyrer # Deux! We are all very excited! Well Kate doesn't exactly know what she's in for yet but we think she'll be a great big sister! I am still pretty early in the pregnancy at just 8 weeks but we have been to the doctor and all things are looking good! The estimated due date is August 20, which will make our 2 little ones 21 months a part. Should be interesting! The heart rate was 173 which, according to the old wives tale, means that # Deux may be a girl! Nick was quick to point that out before we were even out of the doctor's office. He's quite certain that it's a girl but we'll just have to wait a few weeks and see! Here's a picture of the newest Speyrer
Baby Speyrer # Deux (we thought we'd call it #2 in french to go along with our cajun-ness just until we find out the sex) Doesn't look like too much yet but we saw the flicker of the heart and it even gave us a little wiggle. We love it so much already!

We told each of our families over Christmas using Kate's T-shirt as our big announcement. It was fun! Kate didn't know why she was getting so much extra attention all of a sudden!

This was at Pop Pop's on Christmas Eve. She looks kinda crazy because we just took her dress off and put the T-shirt on with her bloomers and tights.

Here's Pop Pop getting in close to check out what it says.

We are glad to have the news out in the open! Please say a little prayer that things continue to go well for our little bean.


  1. Congratulations to y'all! We can't wait to meet Baby Speyrer! And of course Kate is adorable. Lurve.

  2. That's so great Abbie! Get ready for the Insanity of it. ha! :)

  3. Congratulations, Abbie! I LOVE reading your blog & catching up! You have a beautiful family!!!! Can't wait to read more about you guys!

  4. Congrats Nick and Abby! That's wonderful news!
