Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hide & Seek

Right now Kate LOVES to hide from us! We are getting to where we have to keep doors to a lot of our rooms in the house closed so that it easier to find her once she decides she wants to hide. It's all about being pursued though so she really won't stay in hiding too long if someone doesn't come looking for her. Her favorite spots to hide are in the curtains (in various rooms) and in the back of mine and Nick's closet. Our closet is an L-shape so there is an area where it bends where we don't have any clothes hanging. Kate discovered this area and will scoot back there and often when I'm looking for her she gets excited and will pull some of our clothes in front of her to try to hide better. It's hilarious!

This is how I will often find her...waiting patiently for someone to come find her.


And she didn't figure this all out by herself. My older child (aka Daddy) taught her about hiding in the curtains.

In the closet frantically pulling jackets in front of her so that I won't find her


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