Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Emily Alice!!!

We are very excited to introduce Miss Emily Alice Speyrer. Emily was born at 1:23 AM, weighing in at 7 lbs, 11 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. As I posted just a couple of days ago, we were fully expecting to not be meeting Miss Emily until our scheduled date of the 15th but she had other plans for us! Last night while relaxing at home my water broke and and set things in motion for today to be Emily's birthday. I was very surprised, actually in shock I think, that my water actually broke since I believed this be a pretty unlikely scenario given the fact that Emily was still breech. Luckily we had pretty much everything together and were able to call on close friends, The Levys, to watch Kate (who was sound asleep) until Pop Pop could arrive to stay with Kate for the rest of the night. Water broke about 10:15, arrived at the hospital at about 11:15 and Emily was born at 1:23.

We have had a perfect day as our newly formed family of 4. Emily has been very laid back and relaxed so far. She is nursing like a champ and hardly cries for anything...of course we know this can all change at any moment but she has been happy as can be so far. We have continued to comment all day on how much Emily looks exactly like Kate did when she was born. You'll have to take a look for yourself and see (See Kate's birth blog post). Emily got to meet her big sister mid-morning and that went great as well. Kate was very excited to meet the "bee-bee" and was very sweet, even sharing a couple of kisses. We finished off Emily's birthday with the continuation of our tradition of a zero birthday party. Nonna, Poppa and Pop Pop helped us celebrate with a cookie cake and a couple of rounds of "Happy Birthday" in Emily's honor. Kate loved the singing and the cake and, thanks to those two things, probably thinks that having a little sister is pretty fun since it comes with parties and presents (Emily had a gift for Kate for when they met) and cake.

All in all it was a perfect day even if two of the biggest planners (Nick and myself) were thrown for a loop with this unexpected birth date! We enjoyed our intimate birth experience as just the three of us and are head over heels in love with our newest addition! We are unbelievably blessed with both of our girls and can't wait to see their sisterly bond grow as they get to know one another better.

Emily Alice weighing in at 7 lbs, 11.2 oz

Proud parents!

Emily meeting Big Sis, Kate for the first time. Kate was very sweet!

Emily meeting her Pop Pop

Kate checking out the birthday cake as we all sang "Happy Birthday" to Emily.

The happy family of four!


  1. Congrats Nicky, Abbie, & Kate!! Welcome to the world Emily Alice!

  2. Congrats! We're so happy for you all!
