Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Welcome Home Emily!!

We were lucky enough to get to come home Friday afternoon. We are so thankful that our doctor was a fan of letting me recuperate at home so that we didn't have to stay in the hospital over the weekend. We were able to start settling in at home and had a chance to visit with family and friends over the weekend.

Our first few days at home have been great...practically perfect!! Emily is so sweet and laid back and Kate has been the perfect big sister that I knew she would be. She has been super sweet and interested, but not too interested, in Emily and doesn't seem to mind sharing her Momma and Daddy with her new baby sister. We had to go back to the hospital Saturday morning for some lab work (everything's good) and as soon as we got back home Kate asked me if she could hold Emily. I asked Nick if he had talked to her about it and he hadn't, she just came up with the idea all on her own. You can tell when Kate holds Emily and looks at her that she's proud of her little sister. It's absolutely amazing that somebody as young as Kate can seem to grasp what is going on and welcome Emily into her life so openly. I cannot even begin to count all of our blessings!! I am absolutely in love with our newly updated little family!

Loaded up and ready to head home!

Welcome home Emily!!

Papa and Nonna arrived Thursday. Papa stayed through the weekend and we are so lucky that Nonna will be staying for a couple of weeks.

Emily checking Papa out

First bath at home. Momma and Daddy weren't nearly as stressed out as we were for Kate's first bath at home.

All clean after her first bath

Kate holding Emily for the first time. She was so sweet!

Giving Emily a kiss

Sweet sisters! I love my beautiful girls!!

Amelia and Anne Marie checking out baby Emily

Anne Marie and Aunt Lori meeting Emily

Claire and Aunt Brandi hanging out with us on Saturday

Daddy snuggled up with Emily

Momma with her girls

Kate leaning in for a kiss. I really can't believe how great she has been! Kate loves her little sister!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, so sweet! Can you believe how ginormous Kate looks now compared to little sister? Glad your mom is there for a while! Love you!
