Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Couple of Firsts

Two weekends ago Emily had her first little road trip to stay with Pop Pop in Port Barre. Port Barre is only an hour away and of course Emily made it great traveling there. I was also very relieved that both girls slept great there all weekend and, as always had a great time seeing family and playing with cousins. Emily had not yet met her Mama LaHaye so we had a great visit with her on Saturday morning and enjoyed food and fun with family on Friday and Saturday nights.

We also went tailgating for the first time last weekend. Of course this is Emily's first tailgate ever and Kate's first of the season, which also felt a little like her first ever since things are totally different this year vs last year. With the early game (LSU played at 11:30) we thought it would be a good opportunity to get the girls out there on a game day and try to catch the band coming down the hill into Tiger stadium since we're always up early anyways. We were on campus around 8. Visited a couple of tailgates and then made our way over to the stadium. Kate was disappointed that Mike had already been loaded in his cage for the game so we couldn't see him in his habitat. Then we staked out our spot to watch the players and the band go into the stadium. Kate didn't cry, but was pretty scared by the whole scene...who can blame her there are tons of people everywhere and then the loud band. She took it all in though and I think she enjoyed it. I think next year she'll be all about it. Emily was perfect. She just hung out in the baby bjorn and enjoyed some snuggle time for the morning.

Daddy and Emily with cousins Ann Marie and Amelia

Kate and Amelia had a lot of fun playing together

Emily and Mama LaHaye

"Tea Party" at Mama LaHaye's (They call snack time at school "tea party" and Kate talks about it all the time. It's clearly her favorite part of the day)

Playing with toys at Pop Pop's

Emily and her Parrain

Scott and Adi Levy with Daddy and Kate outside of Mike the Tiger's habitat

Momma and her two girls out for tailgating on Saturday

The family of tailgaters

Kate and Daddy waiting on the football players to come down and go into the stadium

Kate and Daddy waiting on the band. You can tell Kate was far from pumped about the experience. She was pretty freaked out by all of the hoopla but handled it well.

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