Wednesday, October 26, 2011


We have been all about "punkins", as Kate says, around our house since the beginning of October. I got some of the decorative pumpkins to put around the house early on and Kate confiscated a few of them as hers and has been playing with them for a while. Then last week the church where Kate goes to school started their annual pumpkin patch so one evening last week we made a family trip to pick out our big pumpkin. It was the first day of cooler weather so we all enjoyed walking around outside and Kate LOVED the pumpkins. She ran around picking up as many as she could and of course cried when we had to leave.

Then on Sunday we finally got around to carving the pumpkin. It was a quick and simple jack-o-lantern face that I carved. Kate was interested in watching the process but once it was complete with the candle burning inside Kate was a little scared of it. She's been a bit of a scardy cat these days about a lot of things. She was still interested in checking it out but she wanted to hold on to me pretty tight and she would just say "Momma, I scare you" over and over again, which really means that she's scared. Emily just laid back in the bouncy seat and enjoyed being outside for the festivities.

Here are some pictures from our "punkin" adventure--

Kate loved all of the pumpkins. She kept trying to pick up the big ones but realized they were too "heady" (heavy) so she picked up as many little ones as she could.

She loved all the regular looking pumpkins but the ones that were bumpy, like the one in the foreground of this picture, she was scared of them and wouldn't even think about touching one.

Emily was all smiles and happy to be strolling outside

Daddy and Kate. Kate wasn't big on participating in this picture. She wanted to play peek-a-boo with Daddy from the other side

Carving our pumpkin at home. I tried to get Kate to help me scoop out the insides but she did not want to get her hands into that pumpkin

This is what she does when she's scared. "Punkin scare you"

Our finished product

We did finally convince Kate to sit on the same bench as the jack-o-lantern even though she was still pretty scared of it

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