Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I was on the ball getting my blog header and background updated with something Christmas-y but since then have fallen behind in my blog posts…been busy baptizing a baby, getting Christmas shopping done, visiting with Nonna and Papa and celebrating our first Christmases already…all posts to come! We have been in the Christmas spirit around the Speyrer house for a while now. Our tree and decorations in the house have been up since the weekend before Thanksgiving and lights have been up outside since Thanksgiving night. I added some garland around our door last week and Nonna and I knocked out some of my Christmas baking last week while she was here to visit. I honestly don't know how I would have gotten the baking and the majority of my shopping done if she hadn't been here. Papa also helped out as one of Santa's helpers delivering a big gift for Kate from North Alabama. Thank you both for all of your help!! We also enjoyed our visit with Nonna all week last week and with Papa over the weekend!

The girls are also definitely into the Christmas spirit! Emily is her usual happy self enjoying having some new, fun things to look at around the house. Kate loves the "santa tree" (I'm pretty sure she calls it that because she can't really say Christmas) and all of the lights outside. We visit the Santa and Rudolph inflatables at other houses in the neighborhood daily and have driven around another neighborhood or two admiring all of the decorations. Kate is also into reading her Christmas books and singing carols. Tonight in bed she sang Jingle Bells over and over again until she fell asleep. This has always been my favorite time of the year but it is getting better and better as I get to share it with my girls. It is so much fun teaching them about all things Christmas!

Emily decked out in her Christmas shirt in front of the tree

And Miss Kate

Helping Nonna measure out ingredients for the famous Johnson family Christmas Fruit Cookies

Loving getting her hands dirty mixing up the fruit and nuts with Nonna

Emily got in on the action watching from her Bumbo

Kate and Nonna mixing up the batter

The finished product. Yummy!!

Santa has already made his trip around our neighborhood. Here are Kate and Daddy waiting for Santa to come by our house

Kate was definitely excited waiting for Santa but I sort of expected a melt down when he actually got here. Kate did great! She was a little skiddish, of course, but was happy to see Santa. I think it also helped that Santa was handing out candy!

Enjoying her candy cane from Santa

Kate opening an early gift--Elf on the Shelf. We have been very excited to start this tradition this year. I thought Kate might be a little young for it but so far Mike the Elf (I think Daddy had some influence in the naming of our Elf…Mike the Elf shares a name with a favorite local mascot, Mike the Tiger) has been a hit. Kate loves him and he actually has helped a little with her behavior since she knows he will report back to Santa if she's being naughty.

Mike hanging out on the door

A second new tradition this year has been our outside decorations. Nick did a great job on our lights! The picture really doesn't do it justice. I don't quite have the technique down on taking night pictures but you can get the idea of what we have going on.

The garland around the door is my contribution to our outside decorations.

There will be lots more Christmas action to come! We hope all of you are having a joyous, blessed holiday season!

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