Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Life with Royalty

I have mentioned in a couple of posts lately that Kate has recently become obsessed with princesses! I'm not exactly sure where the fascination has come from. I am thinking there may be some influence from school or she may have just totally come up with it on her own. Who knows! Anyways, Kate got a box with princess dress up clothes for her birthday, including shoes, bracelets, necklaces, crowns...all things necessary to turn an ordinary little girl into a princess. Since we received the "princess box" as Kate calls it we have not been able to make it through too many days without a princess transformation. There have even been several days where Princess Kate is with us all day long! Just thought I would give you a little picture into the daily life of a 2 year old princess--

Princess Kate plays at Nonna and Papa's house

She helps pick out a book to read to her little sister

She has coffee with Daddy before he goes to work

Princess Kate has friends (Annie Grace Laperouse) over to play and let them borrow a princess outfit as well

She multi tasks--reading while pushing her ball popper

No chauffer needed. Princess Kate can drive herself

She also provides her own entertainment…"I play drums marching band!"

Princess Kate oversees the putting up of our Christmas tree

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