Sunday, November 20, 2011

Emily 3 Months Old and Rolling Along

Emily was 3 months old on the 11th. We just went to the doctor this past Friday to get her growth stats--she is currently 14 lbs, 11 oz and 26 inches long, which is 90th percentile for weight and off the charts for length. She has definitely become much more active over the past month. She has already rolled over from tummy to back and she is constantly reaching for things now. She is loving being in her bouncy seat that has little animals that she can bat and pull down. Emily is chatty, happy and an absolutely perfect baby! I never hear a peep out of her during the night. Every once in a while she wakes up at 4ish but the majority of the time she is sleeping from 9 to at least 6. I feel like she hardly ever really cries (unless she is in the car--she's definitely not a big fan of the car but we survive it) and she will just whine a little when she's hungry or tired. Emily loves her bath and we have graduated from the infant tub to laying on a sponge in the big bath tub. We are having more fun every day with little Emily!

Laying in the wagon while playing outside with Kate

Emily with Braxton

Emily and Daddy at Kate's birthday party

With Nanny and Karoline

In the bouncey seat. You can see that she's already pulled down one of the animals and is working on the snail

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