Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kate is 2!!

Well Kate's birthday extravaganza has finally come to an end. After celebrating for about a week and a half I am finally able to share info and pictures from all of her festivities. We were in North Alabama for Kate's actual birthday and celebrated with a practice round of birthday activities...blowing out candles, being sung to, opening presents, etc. We decided that it was very good to have practiced without a crowd since Kate definitely did NOT like candles. So Kate enjoyed birthday cupcakes with Mary Emma, Daniel and Liza after dinner on her actual birthday and got a few "happy presents" as Kate calls them from Nonna and Papa. Then the Friday after her birthday we had a party with all of our Alabama family. And finally we had a party with our Louisiana family and friends at Pop Pop's house this past Saturday. Kate has had a blast at each of the celebrations. We are so blessed to have a big family with lots of cousins almost all of which were able to celebrate with us. I think Kate may be in for a shock when this week passes us by with no birthday party! She is having a lot of fun playing with her happy presents and we even still have some "happy boons" (balloons) and "happy cake" left at our house.

I can't believe what a big girl Kate is becoming! We still have our momentary lapses into baby-ness--we still haven't gotten rid of our paci yet (a project to be tackled very soon!) and Kate is asking more than ever for "Momma hold you" and "Daddy hold you", which I have to admit has been pretty nice--but overall we have a pretty independent, happy, chatty, strong willed little girl. Kate still loves all things Mickey mouse, hence the Minnie birthday parties, but has recently become very fascinated with princesses. She even got some dress up dresses, shoes and jewelry for her birthday that she insists on wearing pretty much all of the time now. She is also very into Santa right now, which I guess is good preparation for the upcoming holidays. "Sanna cause"(Santa Claus) is the "DD" (DVD) of choice right now and Christmas books are often the books of choice right now as well. I think I could recite the Santa DVD in my sleep. I definitely walk around singing the songs all day! Kate knows almost all of the basic colors (red, blue, green, yellow, pink, purple, brown) and loves to "coco" (color) in her coloring books all the time. She doesn't always do it when asked, but she does know how to spell her first name. She can count backwards from ten and up to at least thirteen (sometimes makes it to fifteen but usually skips around in her teens before she gets to twenty). Kate also has a recent fascination with marching bands. As posted, we did go see the LSU band several weeks ago but it has taken a long time for all of that to really soak in. Kate has had a little toy drum since Christmas last year and has now started wearing it, playing it and telling us that she's in the marching band. The LSU band is also one of her favorite things to get Daddy to pull up on You Tube. Kate is also quite the little helper. Anytime I am baking or cooking she wants to be right in the middle of it--"I hep Momma!"--measuring and stirring. She also thinks she's helping while I put my makeup on. She sits on the counter, digs around in my makeup bag, has her own set of brushes and pretends to put makeup on. She knows where each thing goes without me telling her. For example, she'll try to put eyeliner and mascara on her eyes but knows that powder and blush go on her cheeks.

I can't believe how fast time is flying by! I know we'll have another year down before I know it. Kate is so special and I am so proud and blessed to be her Momma!

Playing outside before her AL birthday party

"happy boons" from the Boxes and Simmons on her actual birthday

Cupcake time on her actual birthday. In the process of melting down over the candles.

Daddy helping Kate figure out how to tackle the cupcake

Opening "happy presents" from Nonna and Papa on her actual birthday

All of the cousins at Kate's AL birthday party

Kate and "Danull" As you can see we got the most out of our Minnie dress, wearing it for both birthday parties

Trying to get a picture with Granny and all of her great-grandchildren. Kate was all ready for her "happy cake" so this ended up being the best we could get before she started to melt down

Ready for singing! She loved being sung to. Every time she would ask for it to be sang again

Little miss careful tasting one tiny fingertip full of icing

Enjoying her happy cake

Happy presents!

Opening presents with Momma and Daddy

Checking out the princess goods

Kate's Minnie house.

Showing Granny the Minnie house

Giving Granny Betty, Kate's great great Aunt (Granny's sister), some loving. We were so glad that we were able to spend some time with Granny Betty while we were in AL

Showing Mama LaHaye the goodies at Kate's LA party

We celebrated all of the November birthdays at the LA party

Dining with friends Adi and Annie Grace

Checking out the cake with Parrain

Opening happy presents with Daddy

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