Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Day with the Johnsons

The Johnsons always celebrate Christmas Day with Abbie's Granny in the morning and afternoon and then return to Nonna and Papa's house for gifts with Abbie's sisters, brother-in-law and nieces and nephews. This year we had our gathering with Granny at Nonna and Papa's "Mountain Home". Kate enjoyed her first visit to the Mountain Home and loved meeting her great aunt, uncle and more cousins. After dinner at the Mountain Home we returned to Nonna and Papa's to open gifts with Nonna, Papa and the Boxes. This was a great ending to all of our Christmas festivities. We hope that everyone had as Merry of a Christmas as we did!! We also hope that all of our friends and family are having a wonderful holiday season!!

Cousin Jenilee, Granny, Cousin Lauren, Aunt Anna, Great-Uncle Mike and Cousin Eric at the Mountain Home

Kate was so happy to see her Granny again.

Cousins Beth and Callie Beth meeting Kate.

Abbie and Liza snuggling up in anticipation of present time at Nonna and Papa's

Arial view of the present opening at Nonna and Papa's

The adults (and Kate) observed from the safety of the kitchen

Mary Emma with her loot

Daniel playing is DSi that Santa brought

Liza excited about her fancy jewelry that she got

Kate watched all of the excitement from her perch with Papa. It was just too much for her to handle so she decided to take a nap.

Mommy opening Kate's gifts at Nonna and Papa's. She got some fun toys, great books and a couple of really cute outfits. Thanks to the Jungs, Boxes and Nonna and Papa!!


Santa didn't forget Kate and he was able to find her in Florence. Kate was so excited about Santa that she woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep! Kate has been doing really well in the sleep department, making it through the night (8 hours or more) several times and usually getting a good 5-6 hour stretch in each night. However, on Christmas Eve Kate decided that she wanted to check out her Santa loot a little early. We finally got her back to sleep and all 3 of us dozed the rest of the morning. Mommy and Daddy took the opportunity to enjoy one of the last late Christmas mornings (we finally got up at about 10) for a while.

Kate in her Christmas PJ's with her gifts from Santa

She thought she made out pretty well for only having to be a good girl for 2 months of the year and still getting a visit from Santa

Mom and Dad looking a little rough from the middle of the night activities

Kate says, "Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!" This is a tiny sleigh and Rudolph made by Abbie's Granny and Poppy many years ago. Several of Kate's cousins have endured this same torture of seeing if they will cooperate for a photo op in the sleigh. Kate was not impressed. This was the best shot we got.

Daddy helped Kate open her presents and stocking.

Santa knew that Kate needed some more PJ's since she's growing so fast that she doesn't have much that will fit her right now.

Santa also brought her a few small toys

Daddy got Kate a sweet Willow Tree Guardian Angel for her room.

Christmas Eve

After our visit with the Jungs in Birmingham, we drove back to Florence and straight to the Children's Mass at St. Joseph's. Kate was great in church and loved the music. Then we headed back to Nonna and Papa's for the Christmas Eve feast that Papa had prepared. We took the opportunity to snap some pics of Kate in her pretty dress that she wore to church. We had a wonderful quiet evening and a great meal with Nonna and Papa.

Chef Papa

Kate helping Nonna in the kitchen. Kate had a great time visiting with Nonna and Papa this week. I think she still remembers Nonna from the first 2 weeks that Nonna spent with us at home. Nonna was able to get the best smiles and coos from Kate.

Kate hung out patiently in her swing with her seahorse while the adults ate dinner.

Our sweet smiling girl

Our little family

Kate with Momma

Daddy with his little girl

Kate snuggled up with Papa before heading up to bed to wait for Santa.

Christmas with the Jungs

Kate's newest cousin, Harper Grace Jung, was born December 16th. Since she is still so new, Harper, her mom, dad and brother and sisters spent Christmas at home in Birmingham. We all drove down with Nonna on Christmas Eve morning to meet Miss Harper and visit with the rest of the Jung crew. We also brought gifts for all the little ones and had fun watching them open their presents. It was surreal for us to hold Harper knowing that Kate is only about 6 weeks older than she is yet she was so tiny. We thought that our little girl was still a tiny thing, but not next to Harper. It solidified what we already knew...that our precious Kate is changing and growing up so fast. We are noticing new things every day and are just trying to soak up as much of this time of her life as we can. Just in the week that we were in Florence, Kate's smiles and interaction with us increased on a daily basis and she is holding her head up better and better. We know that these two girls are sure to be great cousins and friends since they are so close in age. We'll be excited to watch them grow together.

This was Kate's first time meeting her Jung cousins. Camden was so sweet with Kate.

Harper Grace Jung

Kate was excited to see her Aunt April again and meet Langley.

Nick and Harper

The sisters and Nonna with all of the Jung children

Present time!

The Zhu Zhu pets were a big hit. Here's Camden and Owen watching theirs in the "fun house"

Lulu (aka Langley) with her neat easel

Meeting Friends

Kate has been lucky enough to be introduced to so many of our friends from Louisiana or with Louisiana ties, however has not been able to meet our friends with North Alabama ties. Our week in Florence allowed us to catch up with a few of these folks. Leigh Prince is Abbie's friend from both high school and college. Leigh drove over from Tupelo, MS with her 3 girls, Lilly Grace, Annie and Emily so that she could meet Kate. We met Kevin and Wendi Drace for lunch at a popular Florence restaurant, Ricatoni's, and we met up with Brad and Christie Berry for dinner one night. Wendi and Christie are both Abbie's good friends from college. Brad and Christie stopped by Papa and Nonna's house to meet Kate and then the adults went out to dinner for the evening. Mom and Dad are so thankful to Nonna and Papa for babysitting.

Lilly Grace and Kate

Leigh Prince

Leigh's two year old twins, Annie and Emily playing with Lilly Grace. We got a glimpse into what it will be like to have a two year old. So much more active than our little one of course. Good thing there's we have a couple of years to start saving up some energy!! We had so much fun playing with all of Leigh's girls.

Lunch with Kevin & Wendi Drace at Ricatoni's

Brad & Christie Berry

Kate in the precious outfit that the Berry's bought for her.

Nonna & Papa hard at their babysitting job. Doesn't look like they had too rough of a time.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sweet Home Alabama

Kate made her first interstate trip up to Florence for the week of Christmas. We headed out of Baton Rouge for the ordinarily 8ish hour drive at 6:30 AM on Saturday the 19th. Kate is a great traveler! We made the trip with only 2 diaper change/feeding stops and made it in 9-9 1/2 hours.

Kate had not seen anyone from the Johnson side of the family since her birth and everyone was excited to see one another. Our first event of the week was Christmas with the Meckes (Nonna's family). Kate was excited to see Donny, Kay and Audrey again and meet Bonita. This was also the night that Kate got to meet all of her Box cousins for the first time. We had a great time and it was a wonderful way to kick off our week in North Alabama.

Happy to be in Alabama!!

Kate is sitting with Kay with Bonita, Donny and Audrey looking on.

Kate's cousins were so excited to meet her. Daniel and Liza took turns holding Kate and couldn't get enough of her. Kate loved meeting her cousins and getting to see Aunt Anna again.

Liza taking her turn.

Nonna and Papa trying to get some time in with Kate. They had to see her while one of the cousins was holding her since they didn't want to give her up.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas with Mama Lahaye

We wrapped up our weekend with Christmas and Mama Lahaye's house. She cooked a seafood gumbo that was wonderful and we enjoyed more time with the family. This was our fifth get together in a 26 hour stretch, so Kate was burnt out by the time we left and headed back east to Baton Rouge. But we enjoyed our first Speyrer Christmas with Kate. These are memories that we'll carry with us forever.

Mama Lahaye put Kate right to sleep
Uncle Stewart making Kate holla'
Aunt B cuddling up
Uncle Stewart holding Ann Marie and Aunt Lori holding Kate
Pop Pop needed his turn
Kate and her new friend