Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Day with the Johnsons

The Johnsons always celebrate Christmas Day with Abbie's Granny in the morning and afternoon and then return to Nonna and Papa's house for gifts with Abbie's sisters, brother-in-law and nieces and nephews. This year we had our gathering with Granny at Nonna and Papa's "Mountain Home". Kate enjoyed her first visit to the Mountain Home and loved meeting her great aunt, uncle and more cousins. After dinner at the Mountain Home we returned to Nonna and Papa's to open gifts with Nonna, Papa and the Boxes. This was a great ending to all of our Christmas festivities. We hope that everyone had as Merry of a Christmas as we did!! We also hope that all of our friends and family are having a wonderful holiday season!!

Cousin Jenilee, Granny, Cousin Lauren, Aunt Anna, Great-Uncle Mike and Cousin Eric at the Mountain Home

Kate was so happy to see her Granny again.

Cousins Beth and Callie Beth meeting Kate.

Abbie and Liza snuggling up in anticipation of present time at Nonna and Papa's

Arial view of the present opening at Nonna and Papa's

The adults (and Kate) observed from the safety of the kitchen

Mary Emma with her loot

Daniel playing is DSi that Santa brought

Liza excited about her fancy jewelry that she got

Kate watched all of the excitement from her perch with Papa. It was just too much for her to handle so she decided to take a nap.

Mommy opening Kate's gifts at Nonna and Papa's. She got some fun toys, great books and a couple of really cute outfits. Thanks to the Jungs, Boxes and Nonna and Papa!!

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